Through Highs & lows: chapter 42

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"So where should we go for now?" I ask. "Well I would say the movies, but we're gonna watch one when we get home anyways, so it would be kind of pointless." Kat says. "We should go to the mall." I say. "Oh my god yeah." Kat says. "Nooo." Sam and Colby both complain. "What? Why not?" I ask. "You guys take to long shopping." Colby says. "We do not." Kat says. "Yeah you do." Sam says. "Okay so maybe sometimes, but everyone does. Plus that's only when we don't know what to get. We already have everything planned out." I say. "Yeah. Exactly. Waite what do we plan on getting?" Kat laughs. "We plan on maybe walking around a little, getting swim suites, all of us. Then we can go swimming at the Fall River Lake." I say, kind of as a suggestion. "Yeah. Oh and they have several hiking trails." Kat adds. "I guess that does sound pretty fun." Colby admits. "Yeah okay. I'm down." Sam agrees. "See baby, I know what I'm doing." I laugh, turning to look at Colby. "Actually do you? By the time we get there it will already be late and closing since it's a state site. Plus we won't be able to watch the movie." Colby says, being stubborn and not wanting to admit he's wrong. "You just have to be a kill joy, because you don't want to be wrong, not this time. We can still go get the swim suites, then we'll sneak in. What's the worst that could happen, there's no security and it's not like you haven't snuck into that one abandoned building. Since I already know what your gonna say... For some reason if there is security, then after getting the swimsuits we'll come home and just watch the movie. We can save the lake/ hike for tomorrow." I say. "Yeah okay. That sounds good." Sam says. "Agreed." Kat says. I look over to Colby. "Okay fine." He says. "Fine..." I say crossing my arms. "Okay fine. You we're right can we go now?" he says. "Not if you don't check your self." I say walking off. Kat and Sam follow behind me along with Colby all the way in the back. I walk to the driver seat. "Kat do you want to sit in the passenger seat?" She looks back to Colby then to me." No where good. Actually I was thinking that Sam and I should go in my car." She says. "Why?" I ask. "Because I can't tell if your mad at Colby." She says. I glance over to him, then back at Kat. "I'm not. Come on." I say. "I don't believe you, but even if there shouldn't be a problem if Sam and I take my car then. Plus we are stopping by his house to get him a change of clothes first." Kat says with a cocky smile. I glare at her. "Fine." I say. "I love you. See you there." She says. "Yeah. I love you too." I say, still kind of irritated, but still one hundred percent meaning it. I turn to look at Colby again. "Okay fine. Come on, before it really does get to late." I say motioning for him to get into the passenger seat. "Okay. Come on Sam." Kat says. They both walk to her car and Colby and I get inside my car. I pull off and we start driving to the mall. "Are you really mad at me?" Colby asks me. "No. Can you call Kat to see if she wants us to waite for them?" I ask almost immediately changing the subject. "No seriously. Why are you even upset?" He asks. "Colby please just call Kat." I say. "No. Why are you mad, because I didn't say you were right. Fine then just tell me. Your right. I'm sorry, your always right. Is that it? Are you happy?" He says. "Colby please. I'm serious." I say. "I am too. Why are you even mad? Your being annoying." He says. I pull over, because tears start to form. "Why are you dating me then?" I ask. "What?" He asks confused. "Why are you dating me if I'm annoying or if I'm a know it all or stubborn?" I say as tears start falling. "That's a stupid question. I'm dating you because I love you. You could annoy me or prove me wrong all you want. You can even be mad for no reason, but I wouldn't leave you. I love you more than anything in this world. The good in you would always out weigh any bad thing anybody could ever say about you. Why would you even ask that?" He says, and I can't tell if he sounds, upset or concerned. "I don't know. I love you too." I say trying to wipe my tears, but more keep falling.

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