6 | Snowflakes and Staying Out Late

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Staring out the window from the dormitory, I watched as the beautiful white snowflakes drifted down from the sky before joining the piles of snow already formed on the ground. It was Christmas time, which meant that for the first time since arriving at Hogwarts, I was getting a chance to go back home and visit my parents.

Hermione was supposed to be travelling back to visit her family as well, so once she was all packed, the two of us put on our coats and scarves, grabbed our luggage and headed down to the main doors.

As we passed the Great Hall though, we noticed Harry and Ron playing chess and decided to pop in and say goodbye.

"Knight to E five," Harry called and watched as the chess piece magically moved to the correct spot.

"Queen to E five." Ron retaliated and watched as his piece slid forward, grabbed the chair it was sitting on, and smashed Harry's piece with it.

Hermione's eyes widened as Ron smirked. "That's totally barbaric!"

"That's wizard's chess." Ron replied as he studied the board for his next move. "I see you two have packed."

"I see you haven't," I told him.

Ron sighed. "Change of plans. My parents decided to go to Romania to visit my brother Charlie. He's studying dragons there."

"Good. You can help Harry then." Hermione suggested. "He's going to the library to look up information on Nicholas Flamel."

"We've looked a hundred times!" Ron huffed, referring to all the times that we had visited the library since finding out about this Nicholas Flamel guy.

Leaning down, Hermione smiled. "Not in the restricted section. Happy Christmas."

With that, the two of us spun on our heels and headed for the door, ready to spend a nice vacation with our families. As we approached the large exit to the school, I spotted Ron's brothers coming down the steps. "Happy Christmas Fred, Happy Christmas George." I waved.

"Happy Christmas!" they said in unison as they waved back. "See you lot after the holidays."

"You bet." Hermione smiled before grabbing onto my coat sleeve with her one free hand and practically dragging me out of the school. "We're going to be late, you know." she hurried me along. "Besides, why on earth are you talking to the Weasley twins? It's bad enough that we have to deal with Ron on a daily basis."

I shrugged. "I told you before, I'm trying to make as many friends as possible. Besides, Fred and George aren't so bad. Only, it'd be better if I could tell them apart...I keep having to ask Ron which one is which, and even he gets it wrong sometimes."

"Suit yourself." she sighed as we headed towards the boats that would take us across the lake to the train station.


As the train pulled into the station back home, I caught a glimpse of my parents waiting on the platform with smiles on their faces. They didn't see me yet though as there was a rather large crowd of parents, but it would only be a few moments longer.

Once we were allowed to get off, I said goodbye to Hermione before jumping up and rushing off of the train. "Mum! Dad!" I ran into their arms, a huge smile on my face that matched the ones they had.

We said our quick 'hellos' before gathering my things and heading back home. I told them all about everything that had happened and I could tell that they were thrilled, glad to see that I was finally fitting in somewhere, and I knew exactly how they felt.

It was amazing to finally find the people who understood you.

Upon arriving back home, I instantly noticed a change in the house. It was full of magic. The broom was sweeping by itself and the chairs would push themselves in. It made me wonder why my parents had kept me so shielded from magic my whole life, but my Mum told me that they wanted me to have the best chance at fitting in with the normal kids before going to Hogwarts. She wanted me to be able to bring friends home and not have them freak out at the sponge floating in mid-air while washing the pots and pans.

Ineffable | Harry Potter - George Weasley // COMPLETEDOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz