61 | Diadem

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As Harry headed out of the doors of the Dining Hall, the school going completely nuts around us, I was about to follow when someone grabbed my arm. Spinning me back around, George placed his hands on the sides of my face and kissed me one last time.

"I'm not letting you disappear again without saying goodbye." he smiled. "Goodbye."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pecked his cheek with my lips. "It's not goodbye this time, I promise," I told him as I started backing away, my hands in his hands now. "See you later."

"Okay." he finally let me go, which sounds really sad. "See you later."

Spinning on my heel, I took after Harry and the others; eventually managing to catch up with them on a crowded staircase. "Harry!" Ron called. "Hermione and I have been thinking. It doesn't matter if we find the Horcrux."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked as kids bumped into us left and right.

"Unless we can destroy it. So, we were thinking..."

"Well, Ron was thinking." Hermione gave the credit to Ron. "It was Ron's idea. It's completely brilliant."

Ron nodded. "You destroyed Tom Riddle's diary with a Basilisk fang, right? Well, me and Hermione think we know where we might find one."

"Okay. Okay, but take this." Harry handed them the Marauder's Map. "That way, you can find us when you get back."

"Where are you going?" Hermione called as Harry grabbed my arm and started dragging me up the stairs.

"Ravenclaw common room. Gotta start somewhere."

As we passed by a window on our way to the common room, I looked out just in time to see McGonagall and a few other professors putting a shield around the school as stone soldiers marched their way up the bridge, protecting the main entrance.

"Harry, wait!" Luna yelled as she sprinted up the stairs after us. "I need to talk to you!"

"I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment, Luna." Harry kept pushing his way up the stairs as the majority of students were heading down.

Luna sighed. "You won't find anything where you're going! You're wasting your time!"

"Look, we'll talk later, okay, Luna?"

"Harry Potter, you listen to me right now!" Luna spoke in the meanest tone I had ever heard her use before. "Don't you remember what Cho said about Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem? There is not a person alive who's seen it. It's obvious, isn't it? We have to talk to someone who's dead."

I smiled as I started pulling Harry back down the steps. "Luna, you're a genius!"

Stopping in our tracks, we watched as the protective spell came down over the sides of the school. "It's very impressive, isn't it?" Luna commented.

Leading us to some spot in Hogwarts that I didn't think I had ever been to before, Luna gestured to the hall in front of us. "If you're to find her, you'll find her down there."

"Aren't you coming?" Harry asked.

"No. I think it's best if you three talk alone. She's very shy."

As Luna left us, Harry and I headed down the hall together until we spotted the ghost of a beautiful woman with curly black hair and a dress. "You're the Grey Lady." Harry looked at her. "The ghost of Ravenclaw tower."

"I do not answer to that name." she began to float off.

"No, he's sorry." I apologized on behalf of Harry. "It's Helena, isn't it? Helena Ravenclaw. Rowena's daughter."

Ineffable | Harry Potter - George Weasley // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now