Chapter Sixteen

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   I was relieved. The Prince was going about mingling with several of the other selected girls, one being Perri which I was glad to see her, and not once ahd he seen me. I sat with Ora, Tiny, Cecilia, and Krystal, at a table under the canopy. We were sipping yellow lemonade, which I did not know lemonade could be so amazing, and Krystal was fiddling with the fruit utensils.

   Another thing.

   We needed utensils for fruit.

"You know' Krystal eyed a grape on the tip of her fruit fork. "I could get used to this"

Cecilia laughed. "Don't play with your food"

Ora squinted when the sun hit her eyes. "You know," we all looked at her. "I wonder if those girls realize how ridiculous they look"

TIny rose her head a bit and spoke for the first time all morning. "They like him"

Cecilia concentrated on the swam of girls surronding the Prince. "I think they're being overbearing."

 I pushed my food aroudn on my plate and looked over again. It was true, the poor Prince was probably trying not to be rude. Then again he was smiling and must have been telling a joke because the girls around him were laughing. 

   Some girls were playing croquet. others were walking around and then there was us sitting down under the shade. A worker came by to clean up our table and it felt weird to have someone serve me for once. I was so used to everythign being the other way around.

   After some pointless chit chat over drop dead gorgeous celebrities and models we were envious of I realized that I ought to eat something.

"I'm going to go get something to eat" i said.

Ora looked up. "Bring me back chocolate cake"

I laughed. "Sure"

"Want me to come?" Cecilia asked.

   I nodded and we both made our way over to the tables lined up with food. On our way there I caught a glimpse of Constance Kennedy. She had a pack of girls around her, who undoubtedly, must have been her newest pack of followers. Cecilia made a slight sound of distaste but we kept walking.

  Cecilia both walked up to the table and my eyes lit up with the different colors of all the foods and drink they had covering the tables. I didn't even know what I wanted to eat but the growling of my stomach told me I could devour everything.

  Cecilia daintly filled a plate with fruits and she giggled when she saw my indescisivness.

She tucked a lock of red hair behind her ear. "Unsure"

I nodded. "I could eat the whole table"

She laughed.

"Well judging by that body," we both turned around. "Its easy to believe you eat like a monster"

Constance Kennedy raised a cocky eyebrow at me. "Move"

Cecilia squinted at her. "Excuse me"

Constnace tilted her head. "You're excused"

Cecilia's jaw dropped.

Constance waved her fan and eyed me again. "I said move. Your enormous figure is in the way."

"Keep pouting like that Constance," i said. "Bags won't just be a lovely accesory on your arm but they'll be hanging under your eyes too"

  The group of girls behind Constance snickered and Constance shot a deadly glare at them.

Lady Illea (Lady Illea #1)Where stories live. Discover now