Chapter Forty Seven

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   I paced back and forth in the music room running my fingers through my hair. I was a disaster. A mess. I needed to get my life straightened out. This was it, I needed to decided what I wanted and what I felt.

Do I want to stay in the palace and compete?


Do I want to go home and be normal again?

   There was a war waging inside of me and I didn't know how to make peace. A part of me wanted to stay, a part of me wanted to go. I haven't seen Will yet which was really hindering my descision making process. What if I tell him I'm leaving and he wants me to stay? Even worse what if I leave and he just...doesn't mind watching me walk out the front door?

   I was a wreck.

  I felt like rain, people were the drizzle, and I was this awful hurricane. I've left a path of destruction behind me and now I don't know what to do. My obligation is back in Carolina, with my father paying off a house and taking care of him. But for the first time in my life I feel like I can't just follow what my head says anymore. I feel like my heart is trying to make the descisions and this isn't ok! Especially when my heart doesn't know what it's feeling and the one person I'm thinking about is being a total jerk!

   Grabbing the key to the music room I stomped out, locking the door behind me. I needed a nice long, hot, bath. I was going to sit down and write in my journal then write a few letters. I needed time to figure this out because I was a jumbled mess.

   I made my way back to the room and as I did that I realized how strange the weather was. It was half sunny and half cloudy but that's alright because Junebug said there's going to be sun showers. I've never seen a sun shower before. I opened the door to my room and immediately I felt knocked off my feet.

    Sitting on my vanity was a beautiful box tied with a big satin bow. I frowned, looking around wondering where it had come from. The hallways were clear and my room looked pretty much empty. I walked in, shutting the door behind me and sat in front of my vanity.

   It was a lovely white box with a big lavendar satin bow. I stared at it wondering if I should open it or not. Finally, I looked to see if there was a card and when there wasn't I undid the bow and opened the box. I removed the wrapping paper and gasped when I pulled out what was inside.

   In my hands I held the lovliest, most beautiful, music box I had ever seen. Judging by the the engraving it must have been from paris. It was an elegant, intriate, expensive looking thing. It was painted in gold and pastel colors with an intricate crest on the front.

   I started to wonder how I opened it....

"It needs a key"

   I gasped nearly dropping the music box on the floor. I placed it on the vanity and swallowed.


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