Chapter Forty One

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Thomas handed me my coffee and with an absent mind I thanked him. He sat next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I kept my eyes locked on my shoes. 

"You ok, Allie?"

I nodded.

"Where's Emilie and Leslie"

"With daddy." I replied.

Thomas nodded. "You're going home after this?" he asked.

  I nodded again not feeling like talking. It was early in the morning the next day and we were getting ready to bring daddy home. 



Thomas shrugged, raking a hand through his wavy hair. "I guess I was just wondering" it was silent for a moment. "I kind of have to go finish filming that movie"

"Another one?" it was more an accusation then a question.

"Yes, Allie another one. Its kind of what I do for a living"

I shook my head. "Fine." I put my coffee down.

"Are you seriously upset?"

"I'm not upset!" I fired back. 

   I quickly squeezed my eyes shut and counted to ten trying to calm myself down. Of course! How could I think that things would change? Thomas would go back to his visits in between movies and I would be struggling to get by on my own for the rest of my life. And even if I did marry Thomas one day who's to say our married lives wouldn't be like this either? I was tired of people walking out on me. I didn't want this nor did I deserve this either.

"I can't believe you're angry with me?" he laughed humoresly. "I can't believe you're being so selfish!"

My jaw dropped. "I'm selfish? Says the one that disappeared coming in and out of my life the past two years!" I fired back. "You know what Thomas even if I was willing to make it work with you I wouldn't!"

He looked as if I'd slapped him, which ironically I was considering. "I left filming a movie to come and help you because I knew you'd need me!"

"Well you know what Thomas I needed you a lot the past two years!" I yelled. My cheeks were suddenly wet and my eyes were burning. "And you were never there! I always took a back seat to your career, Thomas, always! And you know what I never said anything! But I'll be damned if you're going to call me the selfish one here! So you know what go back to that blonde waiting for you back south I'm sure she'd be delighted to hear from you!"

"Oh my God you're being such a child!" he shot back, jumping to his feet. "You make it so hard for someone to just care about you, you know that? You are selfish, Al, and you're stubborn too! You're cold hearted and you close everyone out! Its hard to reach you!"

"Like you ever tried!"

"I tried for two years!"

"Well you did a horrible job at it!" I said. "You came and went when you pleased, Thomas and that's the truth! The only time I was ever to truly grasp your attention was when you lost me and when there was a chance you could get me back!"

   He stared at me, probably to angry to speak.

"Now get out!" and I pointed to the hopsital doors.





SO what do you think so far guys? Please press the pretty little star and post a comment below!

Alas his roayl highness screwed up but WILL he be able to win Alessa back! 

We shall see *evil face*

But in a mean time GUESS WHO IS WRITING A NOVELLA see like LOL i'm really sorry but I accidently deleted the other one XD 

Stupid me!

So if you guys want a novella also please comment below what you want it to be about, from who's perspective and any other details etc.

I love you guys with all my heart!

The beautiful, kind, inspiring comments you guys post are so amazing and I'm so grateful for you all! Thank you for reading this (God awful) story and thank you for your love! You all mean the world!

Also! I always picture Emily DiDonato as Alessandra because she's the closest I've found. Not identical! Remember Alessa is a bit tanner because of her hispanic heritage on her mother's side BUT Emily is close!

Also Kyle Ellison ughhhh bae! He's my Will! Through and Through! Well...mostly! You know how the mind shifts things!!

If you noticed I put up a cast so check that out on the side of this chapter! Not everyone is casted so if you find any look alikes post them on ig and tag me! @that_fangirl_life_is_real


I would love to see anything you guys make! Plus it really helps my creative juices flow!

Any hunches on what might happen? Comment your predictions!

Again thank you and I love you all! Until next time!

Lady Illea (Lady Illea #1)Where stories live. Discover now