(Deleted Scene)

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Wow, first can I just say that you guys and your comments are just.....amazing?!??!!?

I truly do not know what to say when you guys thank me for writing this story! I'm speechless! Thank you for reading this! You guys are the reason this story is where is! 14k reads!

Sooooo there has been really good feedback and I think I've decided something....


I just am not ready to let these guys go yet. There's so much more to be done! I don't know what the name will be or what I'm going to do because I kind of intended on leaving the story at a cliff hanger. But rest assured you are getting them! Until then enjoy little snippets and novellas!

So, this is a scene I deleted a while ago and thought I might revisit it! As you know this story ends mid October. Well this scene takes place around mid August. The Selection started early June this is a little over 8 weeks since the girls have been here.

Enjoy my loves!!!!

   I sat quietly in the gardens on a cloudy day scribbling song lyrics in my journal. Its been hard trying to get back into the song writing mood lately. I tried brainstorming all the possible things I could write about.

   Love, loss, pain, happiness, joy, sorrow. Different emotions and themes for songs popped into my head but none really stood out to me. I let my head fall back and lean against the tree trunk behind me as I stared at the lake in the distance. I would give anything to jump right in.

"Contemplating something, my darling?"

    I nearly jumped out of my skin, turning around to see Will approaching. It was like he always knew the right time to show up. He looked positively princy and dashing in a beautiful white button down shirt, beige vest, and brown pants. His hair was combed off to the side and I noticed his usually dark hair was turning golden blonde at the tips, do to the summer sun.

I snapped my journal shut. "Just thinking."

   Lately I was thinking more and more about just going home. My personal feelings didn't matter and I swear if one more personal asks to serve me again I might just lose my mind. Getting pampered was getting annoying. I was more than capable of pouring a glass of water for myself. But with what Adsila said the other day about eliminations being in the hands of the Prince, not the selected girls, I started wondering if my plans to just pick up and go weren't going to work out.

"The rest of the ladies are inside watching a movie," he inquired. "Why aren't you inside with the rest of them? It looks like it may rain"

I shrugged, dusting the dirt off the skirt of my dress. "I just needed some alone time"

He smiled. "Am I interrupting?"

"Yes, you are actually"

Will clearly amused, and not all thrown off my comment, just laughed and leaned against the tree standing next to me. "I'm starting to think you don't like me"

"Will I didn't know you were a triple threat" I acknowledged. "A Prince, a flirt, and a mind reader too"

"You seem deeply aggitated. Is something the matter?" He asked, crossing his arms.

I heaved a deep sigh, contemplating what to say next. "Is it true?" I questioned. "That this is entirely your decision?"

Will clearly not grasping what I implied furrowed his brows and leaned in. "What do you mean?"

"I mean the Selection. Who stays and who goes"

He nodded. "Yes"

My forehead creased in thought and I chewed on my pen cap. "So say a girl wanted to leave? She could not leave on her own accord?"

"The rules of dismissal say it must be done by me" Will claimed. "No worries though, the rules are quite flexible"

Flabergasted, I felt my blood begin to boil. "That's ridiculous! So you would just keep a girl because you wanted-"

"No," he cut me off midsentence with not a hint of remourse. "I am not that kind of man. If a young lady is to stay here I want it to be because that's what's in her heart, not mine. I wish only for everyone's happiness"

I scoffed. "You speak so prfoundly about the desire for the happiness of girls you don't even know"

"64 days"

I blinked, slowing down from chewing on my pen cap. "What?"

"I have known you 64 days and counting" Will repeated. "Not counting the time you threw those rocks at me"

"You remembered that?" I asked, quietly.

Will shrugged a shoulder. "Of course I did, its all I can keep track of"

"Keep track of what?"

He smiled. "You."

Lady Illea (Lady Illea #1)Where stories live. Discover now