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- Two More Minutes; Jaymes Young - 

As soon as the blonde was out of earshot, Charlie turned wide-eyed to Ren. "Did you hear what she just said?" She asked, clenching her cup in her hands tightly. It started to press in so the liquid slowly filled to the top, but Charlie didn't notice.

"Do you think she-"

"Hey, guys! Come dance!" Kiya exclaimed before Ren could finish. She stopped directly in front of them, Mikey behind her as a big smile was plastered on both faces.

"No, we need to talk." Charlie shook her head, turning to look for the closest trash can. She threw her cup away, before turning back to the couple. "Something just happened."

"Oh, come on! Can't we forget about the drama?!" Kiya exclaimed, throwing her hands up. "It's homecoming! Let's enjoy the night!" She then grabbed one of Ren's arms, almost causing him to spill his drink. He tossed it into the trash can as Kiya grabbed one of Charlie's hands with her free hand, and she pulled them onto the dance floor.

"No, but seriously, Ky, this could have something to do with-"

"Let's have a dance first then we can talk about it!" Kiya shouted out over the music, beginning to dance along. She knew she was being annoying, but it was just because she was over the drama. Tonight was about having fun and they'd already had more than enough drama, she wanted to enjoy the group being together without issues.

Ren and Charlie glanced at each other, standing close to each other as other bodies danced together on the dance floor. It was a fast-paced song, and although Ren had danced at dances before, he didn't want to make Charlie feel awkward since she didn't know how to dance and was just standing there awkwardly. Kiya and Mikey danced together, acting as if they were the only ones in the room.

Charlie looked around, hoping to find one of the others to hopefully be able to talk to them about what had happened with Nadia. She saw Nadia talking to Eliza slightly aggressively, and she reached her hand back, connecting it to Ren's to catch his attention.

"What is it?" Ren asked, looking in the direction Charlie was. He saw the interaction also, although they were unable to hear what was being said due to being in the middle of the dancefloor they watched as Eliza rolled her eyes.

The girl in the black dress crossed her arms, shaking her head as she replied to Nadia with just as much attitude. There was a tiny argument going on between the two girls, which made things going on with Nadia even more suspicious.

"We need to figure out what's going on between them," Charlie said.

"But how?" Ren asked.

"I don't know," The girl replied, looking around them. "There would be no way to get near them without them noticing and walking away."

"Hey guys," Jade said as she and Tyler approached. "What's going on?"

"Something happened, but Ky isn't taking us seriously." Charlie nudged the blue-haired girl, who finally rolled her eyes and stopped dancing.

"Fine, what's going on?" She asked, wiping her forehead. "They're kind of playing shitty music anyway."

"Let's go talk somewhere else other than the dancefloor, yeah?" Ren suggested, grabbing Charlie's hand. He pulled her off of the dancefloor and the others immediately followed, taking them out of the gymnasium and to the hallway where there were fewer people.

"Is this private enough?" Jade asked, looking around.

Charlie glanced around, making sure nobody was close enough to hear what was going to be said, and that Nadia or one of her friends weren't around. "I think we'll be fine." She finally looked back at the group. "As long as it's not Nadia or one of her friends at least."

Where is Louise Bauman? + Original, Book 1 ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang