25.[heavy chapter]

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"I'm so sorry for your loss."

Those were the words that neither expected nor ever want to hear again. Harry and Louis didn't even know that Lou was a carrier.
"What?!" Louis exclaimed, full of panic. Harry's eyes were wide and building with tears. They both knew what that sentence entailed. Harry didn't want to believe it, neither did Louis.

"I'm sorry Mr. Tomlinson, you've lost your baby." The doctor, Dr. Anna, said to them three hours ago.
"Nooo!" Louis broke down in his fiancé's arms. Harry was devastated.

"Do you know how long Louis was pregnant for?" Harry asked when Louis passed out in his arms from crying. Harry had fresh tear tracks going down his cheeks. "He was about, from what I could tell, he was around two months." Dr. Anna informed him. Harry took the information with a shudder. He nodded and hugged Louis closer.

He reached over carefully to not disturb Louis in his arms and grabbed his phone.

On the third ring, Liam answered. "Do you know what time it is? Six-flipping-forty in the morning, mate. And I have a min-" Liam was interrupted by a sniffle. "Harry, you ok? What wrong?" Liam asked, suddenly up and forgetting about his hangover. "No.. No I'm not Li... can you get Niall up, he's going to have a bad hangover but I need you two, so does Louis.." Harry says, voice breaking at the end.

"Harry, why are you calling me? Where are you?" Liam asks, there's background noise as he gets up and is walking to the guest room where Niall is.

"I'm at Cadence Hospital, room 208, I'll explain once you guys are here.." Harry says, almost breaking down again. Louis slightly stirs in his arms, whimpering slightly, then remains still. Breathing but still. "Why are you at the hospital?!" Nialls voice booms through the phone.

"What?..." Niall softly peeks around the doorframe, seeing Harry's face with tears running down his cheeks for the hundredth time, with a passed out Louis, with similar tear stains going down his face. Liam rounds the doorframe, following Niall in.
"I...I. I don't even know where to start.." Harry seems so broken to both Liam and Niall.

"What happened?" Niall asks. "Louis and I... we were.. having sex.." Harry's, Liam's and Niall's faces turned a shade of red.. "Too much information." Niall says. "Well.. I thought I went too hard.. and he started bleeding..." Harry says, looking away as tears fall. Liam is very concerned at this point. "What do you mean?" Liam questions. Harry looks at him in the eyes. "We lost our baby, Li... he was stressed or maybe it wasn't meant to be.. but we lost our baby.." Harry says, choking on a sob

Liam's eyes widen further than possible. Niall is in shock, he turns to face the floor. "Oh Harry. I'm so sorry." Liam says. Louis opens is eyes right as Niall walks out the door to try and process that his best friend lost a baby... not just any baby, their baby.

"Oh Lou." Liam says, voice thick with emotion as he gets up and hugs Louis tightly. Louis starts crying again. Harry thought for sure that they had cried themselves out, but no.

It's been four days since the two lost their child. Louis is absolutely devastated. Harry is crumbling inside, but has to keep a strong front for Louis. Both of their families were and still are gutted. Gemma, Anne, and Lottie came over as soon as they were informed.

"Love? Want to shower, maybe?" Harry asks as he walks into their bedroom, seeing Louis where he has been for the past three days with the exception of the bathroom breaks, some food and water which he barely touched, and the changing of clothes. Louis' eyes seem to just be glossy. Louis says nothing, just sits there robotically, as if he has no emotion.

Harry wakes up in a sweat, with Louis shaking him with wide eyes. "Huh? What is it,love? What time issit?" Harry asks, confused. Louis looks down on him, he's straddling him. "You were thrashing around like you were having a bad dream.. scared me.. you were crying too. It's six forty-five in the morning." Harry sits up, back stiff from falling asleep in the bed of a truck. He looks around.

"No blood? Did you bleed?" Harry questions, hoping it was all a dream. "What are you talking about? You do talk some shit after your weird dreams." Louis scoffs. "What was your dream about?" He asks Harry. Harry tells him everything from start to finish.

The both wash their faces quietly and start on a breakfast for a full house today.

Hey, sorry these past two chapters are a little confusing, but as much as I want to, and i want to, I really want to. I cant just make Louis have a baby.. so its all a nightmare in Harry's head, next best thing.
Next chapter will be up hopefully by the end of the week.
Date: Monday, June 8, 2020
Time: 11:48 p.m
Loads of love, E
Word count: 863

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