A lot like when I wrote Louis' perspective on Fine Line, I'm going to write with "Harry" used more. And I know that the POV has been all over the place, but this will be more of Harry's point of view than Louis'. Also, lots of lyrics.

A lot like when Harry released Fine Line, Louis makes Harry get into bed while he sits in the little chair. Harry has never felt more excited. Not even performing or touring. Releasing an album with personal works, like Louis has informed him, takes a lot of guts. And Louis has never done this before, sure he has put out two singles, but they never got tons of attention.

There are ten minutes before Walls is debuting, so Harry looks on his social media. Somehow, some fans found out that Louis is releasing an album, even though he hasn't said anything about it. Girls are hyping him up and putting out on Twitter and Instagram that they can't wait.

"You ready?" Louis timidly questions. Harry looks up from his phone where he is seeing all the love pour into Louis' album. "Of course! No need to be nervous, babe." Harry reassures Louis. Louis nods and makes eye contact while pressing play.

The first song, that Harry still does not know the name of, starts.

"You're a nightmare, on the dance floor. And you hate me, and I want more. You're a total distraction." Harry hears Louis' thick accent prominently this song.

Kill My Mind, Harry finds out is the name of it, is a really good song. Harry tells Louis that immediately after it finishes, not what Harry was expecting, but still a banger.

A guitar begins the next song. "On our way to 27, got a place on the other side of London. Doin' better, doin' better. And I know you left a part of you in New York under your bed in a box." And that lyric hit Harry. He did, that's where he and Louis had their first fight, New York City. It was in Harry's apartment, they had only been together for a little over a year.

And Louis was frustrated that Harry wasn't making any significant progress in their relationship, so Harry wrote down all the things that came to his mind to try and calm the fight. That was three years ago, Harry always forgets to pack that book when they go to New York.

"Doin' better, doin' better. Life gets hard, and it gets messed up. When you give so much but its not enough. When the high's too high and low's too low, and you love someone and they let you go." The lyrics confuse Harry, because he's never let Louis go, and he never will.

"Don't you let it kill you, even when it hurts like hell. Oh, whatever tears you apart, dont let it break your heart." The song ends. Harry makes eye contact with Louis. Louis' blue gaze meets his, full of unasked, insecure questions. All it takes from Harry is a smile and a nod.

"Lou, this... only the second song? I don't know if I'm ready for the rest of the album, to be honest." Harry says, shifting in bed. Louis wants to hug him, but he is showing him his work, he wants to see and enjoy Harry enjoying his work. Harry is already in love with Louis new sound, his soft voice. Don't Let It Break Your Heart..

Lyrics ahead.
The third song starts by a piano/ synth noise. "It's been a minute since I called you, just to hear the answer phone. Yeah, I know that you won't get this, but I'll leave a message so I'm not alone." Harry as an idea of which song this is,but he only knows three song titles.

"This morning I woke up still dreaming, with memories playing in my head. You'll never know how much I miss you, the day that they took you, I wish it was me instead." Louis' soft voice flows through the speaker and into Harry's ears. Harry knows immediately.

"But you once told me ' Don't give up, you can do it day by day. And diamonds , they don't turn to dust or fade away.' So I will keep you day and night, here until the day I die, I'll be living one life for the two of us. I will be the best of me, always keep you next to me, I'll be living one life for the two of us." Harry looks at Louis, his eyes are closed.

Harry feels his eyes water. "Even when I'm on my own, I know I won't be alone. Tattooed on my heart are the words of your favorite song. I know you'll be looking down, swear I'm going to make you proud, I'll be living one life for the two of us." Harry rubs a hand over his face.

He didn't expect this song to be so early on. He didn't really know what to expect. "I can feel your blood run through me, you're written in my DNA, looking back in every mirror, I know you'll be waiting, I'll see you again." If anyone says that this song isn't about Jay, Harry will stick his TPWK up their ass.

Two of Us comes to a close after 3:38 minutes of beautiful harmonies and vocals. Harry can't help himself, he stands up and hugs Louis. He feels him relax in his grip. "That was so beautiful Louis, she would be so proud. She is so proud." Harry comforts.

He leads them both back to their bed where they finish Louis' album together.


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