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Harry and Louis pull up to the arena that they were at not even three hours ago, the place now swarming with beautiful gowns and suits

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Harry and Louis pull up to the arena that they were at not even three hours ago, the place now swarming with beautiful gowns and suits. Along with handlers, managers, film crew and paps. Goody.

Louis anxiously looks out the tinted window as they arrive, this is his first public ordeal, and he isn't sure how to react should a pap be mean or crude, like they are. Harry observes this with an eerie calmness. One that startles Louis, of course Harry is used to it.

Louis feels a warm, comforting hand on his. He looks, but Harry is talking to the driver, they are still four cars from being dropped off. He feels it again, but no one is holding his hand.

He feels a presence near his cheek, as if someone is pressing a chaste kiss to it, and then it's gone. He feels his hair move slightly and then the warmth on his hand is gone, but he feels more relaxed. And in shock, in shock for sure.

Harry leans back and sees Louis' facial expressions. He looks like he's about to cry, but happiness? Harry glances forward, three cars.
"Louis. You alright love?" He asks. Louis smiles, and makes eye contact with him. "Yeah... yeah, I'm alright. I was just overreacting earlier. This is exciting!" Louis says, deciding to keep that to himself for now, slightly bouncing in his seat.

"Okay, whatever you say." Harry says right as they pull up to the dropoff spot. A handler opens the door for them. Harry gets out first, and extends his hand for Louis to grasp.

At home

Lottie, Daisy, Phoebe and their dad, Mark are watching the Brits live. Lottie squeaks when she sees her brother's hand reach out of the backseat and hold Harry's. A sight she never thought would happen. She hears Doris and Earnest laughing in the adjacent room.
"Lottie, focus!" Daisy informs, Lottie turns her attention back to the television right as Louis steps out.

Wearing a beautifully fitted and tailored suit, Louis looks beautiful.

At the carpet

Harry steps out first, immediately being slapped with noise. Nothing that he hasn't gone through before. He reaches his hand out. If the paps and fans there weren't going crazy already, when Louis steps out, they're wild.

When Louis is close enough, Harry snakes a protective grip around his waist, keeping him at his side at all times. The paparazzi shout and yell for the attention of the celebrity and his fiancé, but no one but them and their family know that.

Harry notices that, instead of being timid or nervous, Louis is smiling at the cameras, posing and acting like he should. Almost like he's been to an award show before. But he hasn't. Harry shrugs it off, telling himself to talk to Louis about it later.

They walk down the red carpet together, flashing lights everywhere. Louis had a pretty good start, but the lights are getting to him. He's not used to all of the flashes like Harry is. He's more sensitive to all of it.

They finally make it inside. Being ushered off to the dressing rooms, each of them. So that they can be in presenting clothes.

Authors note
Hey! I know it seems like i haven't updated in a while, at least for me it seems that way and I'm sorry.
Some things going on, but we're all good now.
I'm going to start writing the final part for the Brits night right now.
And i am so excited for the things coming up on the 23rd!!!
Date: 7/18/20
Time: 12:03 am
WC: 608

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