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the morning was different.

uncle lee (felix's dad) and dad (minho's dad) just stared at the two boys, who's were taking short glances at each other and turned away the other side, blushing every time when their gazes met.

it wasn't hard to notice for the two old lee's. Felix just smirked at the whole situation.

minho and jisung were sitting opposite to each other on the diner, to have breakfast. the day before's incidents just made them feel shy.

minho couldn't process everything. it was overwhelming for him, but in a good way. the whole night, he thought about jisung. and yeah, it didn't help a single bit by making the older fall deeper in love with the younger.

minho, who never entered the kitchen, except when he was desperate for food and drinks, was now, helping jisung do the dishes. he even insisted on doing it for him, ofcourse the other didn't allowed him. so they ended up standing shoulder to shoulder in the kitchen. one cleaning the dishes, the other drying the washed utensils with a cloth.

they both smiled at each other lovingly.
little did they know, there were three spectators, watching their lovey-dovey scene from behind the huge kitchen counter island.

it was school day, they all were present.
somehow they all ended up on the same table in the cafeteria.

"oyy! mate, do you know what's wrong with minho, he's acting weird today." Chan whispered to felix, eyeing the boy who was weirdly grinning along with the squirrel boy who sat across him.

"yeah, even jisung was smiling like a lunatic all day!" seungmin said.

'ofcourse its only me who know about their date.' felix thought.

"they, sure, are hiding something." changbin said, surprising everyone else on the table except the two love birds.
changbin wasn't the kind person to talk. it must've been really odd for him too, to look at a not so smiling-for-no-reason minho, who was frickin showing off his canines, since this morning.

Felix huffed as he look at everyone looking at the two boys, who were the hot topic on the table right now.

*sigh*"they are dating" felix said nonchalantly.

the 5 pairs of eyes widened and turned to look at the two boys, after turning to felix.

"you have a problem with that ??? huh?" minho asked somewhat furious. he was low-key, listening to the whole conversation, and decided to speak up at last.

"n-no. we didn't mean to offend. but we just didn't expected that."
hyunjin said, calming the older who was looking pissed for no purpose.

"yeah. it was unexpected, honestly. anyways, we are all okay with it, right guys?" chan added.

everyone nodded, as jeongin side-hugged the oldest of the group, becuz he felt like he should. out of the blue.

"by the way, talking of dates, Felix!" changbin turned to his right, "would you like a second date?"

"YES!!!" Felix was actually hoping for it.

"are you free tomorrow? cuz I don't think I'll be free the whole week after tomorrow."

"umm. okay~" felix replied with a smile, but was panicking from inside, 'oh. no. oh no. oh. no. I have only one frickin day to get ready.!'

"so, how about yellow blonde?" Felix asked as he looked at the hair-colour panel.

the same day, after school, Felix had dragged jisung, jeongin and seungmin with him to the mall for parlour. after that seungmin and jeongin parted ways for the makeup store, while the half-Australian boi convinced his twin to have a change in his hair.

'anyways, I did wanted some new thing' jisung thought, finalising to have a bright yellow blonde.

"shit! jisungie. minho hyung's gonna kill me"

"does it look that bad?" nervousness clear in his voice.

"bad???? it looks awfully pretty on you. I don't know if I would wake up alive tomorrow if hyung saw you like this. I swear he's gonna get hard."

'shit! again. I didn't mean to mention the last part. it just slipped' felix facepalmed himself.
'sorry hyung but I guess I have to tell him now. please forgive me.'

"jisungie ~ I know its too early to tell you this, but minho is sex-deprived."


jisung ended up making a plan with felix as the twins walked to the Lee mansion. he was going to sleep over there but certainly not with felix😂

'since now I know hyungie~ is sex-driven I don't have to care about my sexual frustrations.' jisung smirked at the plan which was more likely to work out pretty well.

"I think something's coming my way."
minho told himself after sneezing thrice in a row continuously, not very aware of what the night was bringing him.

(a/n: hope you like it😅😅😅😅
I'm sex driven too, maybe that's why I can actually relate it to jisung
hahaha*awkward laugh*

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