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inho's pov
My hands were trembling badly, as I tried to control my unsteady breathing. Chan put a hand on my shoulder, smiled at my pale expression and nodded lightly. I calmed down a bit but when the orchestra started playing the soft music, i was anxious again...

through the open doors, came a short lady in royal blue dressing, a small hat on her somewhat grey locks. with her, came the boy for whom I could sacrifice my life. whom I was going to marry this day.

my surroundings somewhat vanished, as my eyes were locked with that of the love of my life. he looked ethereal in the white suit, as the bouquet only enhanced the walking beauty. my heart was beating rapidly on my chest yet I was so delighted...
he broke into a small smile on his way, seeing our best friends in their seats who were quietly cheering for us. then his eyes moved to mine again, and as if everything had become slow-motion... 'the love of my life'
his approaching body made me shiver at my place.

his aunt stopped in front of me, took my hand and handed me jisung's small hands, that she had been holding all along this way.
"you better not make him sad!" his aunt jokingly whispered to me.

"I can never, ma'am." I politely answered, pulling jisung up the small flight of stairs.

she smiled at us and mouthed, "God bless you both"

"thank you" I slightly bowed and let her take her seat in the front row.

I turned around and was met with the most beautiful person in the world, inside and outside both...the shine in his eyes can outnumber the stars in a night sky.

he smiled at me and I smiled back,
"are you ready?" I whispered.

"yes, are you?" he pouted, as if i would say no...

"hell yeah, babe" I casually answered making him snicker a bit.

3rd person's POV

they exchanged their rings, both clearly trembling from inside.
jisung had already let a couple of tears flow, minho wiping them up occasionally, tightening the grip he had on jisung's hands.


jisung then repeated after the priest,
"I, Han Jisung, take you, Lee Minho, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

minho's eyes filled with water but he composed himself.

"I, Lee Minho, take you, Han Jisung, to be my lawfully wedded beautiful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. i will love you forever"

another drop of wetness rolled down jisung's eyes as he accepted the sincere vow of his only-seconds-away-husband.

"with the power I had been endowed with, i announce you both as Mr. and Mr. Lee.
you may kiss your groom."
that been announced by the priest, minho immediately pulled the younger closer and joined their lips. he wanted to do it ever since the boy had entered the venue, he just looked so unreal and ethereal, not that he found him purely beautiful everyday.

they slowly let go and instead joined their foreheads.
"I love you" minho mumbled to jisung, slightly gripping the younger around his waist so that he knew he was being sincere.

"I love you too" jisung whispered as he pecked the older's lips.
they both turned to the crowd, who were all clapping cheering, whistling and some even crying.

"we are married!!"


another A/N: short story time!
just so you know; i have only attended two weddings in my life... one, in which I arrived very very very late because we were stuck in traffic.
and the other one, in which i slept away during the whole ceremony.....

why am i like this-
anyGays, see you next chapter!


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