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- i like the way you kiss me; Artemas - 

"This isn't the first time we've had to talk today, Renfrow." Officer Morrison spoke as he flipped open his notepad, clicking the top of his pen. "It's ironic." He quickly added, looking up to meet the boy's eyes.

"Yeah, it is." Ren crossed his arms, leaning against the school wall. He glanced over, seeing about five or six cops littering Walden High School, another patrol cop pulling up as Officer Morrison caught his attention.

"Although this situation is very different from the one this morning, correct?" He questioned, an eyebrow raised as Ren looked at him in confusion.

"Well, yeah. Unless you're suspecting that whoever did this disgusting bullshit is the same person that broke into Charlie's house." Ren motioned in the direction of the gym, his eyes beginning to scan the crowd for her. "Why do we even need to be questioned, by the way? Charlie and I weren't even present when everything happened." He looked back to the older man, who pressed his lips together before replying.

"We're questioning everyone who was at the dance, Renfrow. And you were at the dance, correct?" He asked.

"No shit, Sherlock," Renfrow grumbled, crossing his arms again. He rolled his eyes as he earned a glare from the officer standing in front of him, "Sorry."

"So where were you when everything happened?" Morrison asked, getting ready to write whatever Ren was about to tell him.

"I was with Charlie. Need to ask her to be sure?" Ren asked, catching on to what was going on. He knew that Morrison was suspicious of him, but he didn't understand why. Ren had never once given him a reason to be suspicious, he saved Charlie for goodness sake.

"No, I don't." Morrison spoke in a monotonous voice, "She will be questioned as well, and we will see if everything lines up. What were you doing with Miss Cooper and why weren't you two in the gym?"

"She was using the bathroom and I was waiting for her. We were walking back when we saw the cops arriving, walked into the gym to see that creepy ass doll. Need anything else? It wasn't me, sir." Renfrow shook his head, "I don't know why you're blaming me but it wasn't."

"I'm not blaming you, son." Morrison sighed as he shut his notepad, shoving it into his shirt pocket. "Just trying to get everyone's whereabouts. And where were you before the dance started?"

"Charlie was with me all day until we had to get ready for the dance, and I dropped her off at Kiya Daniels' house before going back to my house. But don't fear, sir, because I wasn't alone for too long." Renfrow held his hands out, his frustration getting the best of him. "Because my two other friends showed up to get ready with me before we went to Kiya's and got the girls and went to dinner. I was busy up until the dance. No way I could've done that shit. Oh, do you need the other friend's names too? Cause if you're so suspicious of me I can definitely give you their names."

Morrison looked at Ren with a straight face, irritated with the boy. "Are you getting smart with me, Mr. Hill?" He calmly asked, causing Ren to stand up straight.

"Are you accusing me of breaking into my date's house and putting a creepy doll up in the school?" Ren retorted, raising his eyebrows slightly.

Morrison glanced to the side, seeing someone else was beginning to walk their way. It was an investigator, the same one that had been present when they announced Louise to be dead to the school. He was short for an older man, yet still very intimidating. Ren didn't drop his glare toward the police officer in front of the investigator, instead, it only darkened as Morrison sent him a look that he couldn't decipher.

Where is Louise Bauman? + Original, Book 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now