Chapter 2: Interrogating and Accepted

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Ruby P.o.V:

I was looking down ashamed as Glynda, with a tablet, paces around the table Me and Y/n seated at, right underneath a bright light in the otherwise dark room. I look at Y/n who surprisingly calm about the whole thing.

Glynda: "I hope that you realize that your action tonight will not be taken lightly. You two put yourself and others in great danger."

"They started it!"

Y/n: "If you expected us to stand by and watch a man's lively hood be rob. Then you are greatly mistaken."

Glynda: "If it were up to me, you'd be sent home...With a pat on the back..." I begin to smile and but Y/n was unfazed. "....and a slap to the wrist!"

She slams her riding crop, which Y/n just side step and Ruby barely avoids. 


Y/n: "Now I know who you are..." Glynda look at Y/n with great interest. "You are Glynda "Aaron" Goodwitch."

Glynda: "That is correct what is it you?"

Y/n: "Nothing just curious...also ..*Point to someone in the dark* "Are you going to just stand there and listen like a creep or are you going to walk over here?"

Male Voice: "Impressive." Glynda moves out of the way so the headmaster of Beacon, Professor Ozpin comes though the doorway, holding a mug and....COOKIES!!

Ozpin: "Ruby Rose." *leans in to look at my face.* "You.....have silver eyes."


Suddenly Y/n throws a small glowing bone the size of a dog treat right into Ozpin's head.

Ozpin: "Ow.." *looks at Y/n who looked irritated*

Y/n: *irritated* "Watch it creep that's my sister you're leaning out, so back off asshole..."

Glynda: "Young man, watch your tongue do you have any idea who you are talking too.

Y/n: "A dead man if he doesn't back..from my sister...either than that no"

Glynda face palms and glares at brother  who still looks calm but irritated.

Ozpin: "Tell me you two..who taught you both how to fight like that?" *Shows me a tablet showing me and Y/n fighting*

Me and Y/n: "S-signal Academy/ Signal and home schooled."

Ozpin: "They taught you how to use one of the most dangerous weapon ever designed and one of the most hardest fighting style ever mastered?"

Me and Y/n: "Well. one teacher in particular."

Ozpin: "I see.."

He put the cookies on the table in front of me. I pick up one and eat it in a single bite, and then, without any argument. I shove the rest into my mouth.

Ozpin: "It's just that I've seen two other scythe-wielder of that skill before. And one other aura warrior with such skill. A dusty old crow, and a man in blue.

"Oohf That's Ow unca coaw" I still had cookie in my mouth

Y/n: "Sorry about her she forgets that to not talk with her mouthful. She said Oh! That's our Uncle Qrow! and you know master Aaron?"

I swallow the cookies and wipe my mouth. 

"Sorry about that But yeah That's our Uncle Qrow! He's a teacher at Signal. I was complete garbage before he took me under his wing. And now I'm all like-- *does some karate- style poses and noises* "Hooowaah! Witchaaa!"

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