Chapter 31: Infiltration

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Ruby made her way to the exit, walking out of the dance to see Y/n already outside.

Ruby: "Hey Y/n!" 

Y/n: *looks over to Ruby and smiles* "Hey Ruby need some fresh air too huh?"

Ruby: *cheerful tone* "Yeah..." *walks over but soon begins to fall over as she was wearing high heels* "Woah!" *Before she could hit the ground she is saved by Y/n who instantly helps her up* "Thanks Y/n."

Y/n: *smiles* "Heh no proble-" *Suddenly Y/n stops mid sentence and turns his head*

Ruby: *looks over* "What?" *Ruby question is answered to see a figure running along the rooftops you both look to each other before chasing after them in hot pursuit.*

Outside the Cross Continent Transmit System Tower, the figure, was about knock out an armed guard. rendering him unconscious with a stunned grin on his ace. She drags him behind some bushes.

Y/n and Ruby runs towards the tower where the woman was spotted. Y/n could see with his aura vision multiple guards knocked out nearby. 

Y/n: "Be cautious Ruby."

Ruby nods as they soon head inside as they entered the tower, there was even more unconscious guard on the ground. Ruby presses a button on her scroll. Soon a locker crash lands next to the two, which Ruby quickly grabs Crescent Rose. They quickly take the elevator to the top to find the mysterious woman. 

Y/n: *as thy walk out of the elevator and could see Cinder's unusual Aura* "I know you're in here, so stop hiding." 

The room is still silent. Suddenly the Mysterious woman rises from her hiding place and steps toward Y/n and Ruby

Ruby: "You do know it's not a masquerade party, so why don't you take off that-!"

Cinder produces a container a ice Dust and sends shards of ice at the two. Y/n quickly fires off a stream of air and aura not only blowing away from its attack but hitting Cinder. Cinder growls at the two teens.

Y/n: "I thought I recognize have the same unusual aura when you were in the bullhead with Roman Torchwick."

Cinder: "You can sense my powers..this could be more of a problem."

The battle continues but it was interrupted by the appearance of General Ironwood on the nearby elevator. They are visibly glad to see him until Y/n turns back and the mysterious woman disappeared."

General Ironwood: *Y/n runs past him* "Stop, where are you going?"

Y/n: "Chasing after her what else!"

Ironwood: "I can't allow you to do that."

Y/n: "Why not, she couldn't have gotten far."

Ironwood: "You could cause a panic to the other students. So I would advise you to stay here."

F/n: *offscreen* "Besides she isn't your problem right now." *You suddenly froze as you, Ironwood and Ruby slowly turned your heads as you saw F/n walking out of the shadows.* "Hello their brat remember me..."

Ruby and Ironwood look over to Y/n who begins to shake uncontrollably. Ironwood pulled out his weapon and points it at F/n.

Ironwood: "Mrs. Rose take your brother out of here!"

Ruby nods but as she tried to take Y/n to safety a massive steam of flame blocks their path from the elevator.

F/n: "Not this aren't escaping again." *cracks his knuckles* "And this time...I will make sure of it.."

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