Chapter 26

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Y/n's pov

After we all arrived in Miyagi again, we all got straight home. As me and Koushi got home, mom suprised us back with our favourite food and much more. "I missed my two precious kids... never leave me that long alone" she said while hugging me and Koushi as if we would run away if she lets us go. "We missed you too... it's pretty late, let's eat before it gets later" Koushi said as she lets us go. We all sat down and ate together. "Soo tell me about the trip.. anything new happend?" Mom asked curious. "Kageyama and Hinata did thier new moves and the others too. I got to play a bit and everything went fine. You won't believe me what (y/n) did..." Koushi said and as I heard that I panicked 'he is not going to tell her.. right? ... oh please safe me Asa- Jesus'. "She found some friends... I mean she talked to new people without me even knowing that for the first time." He told her proudly.

"What really how? OMG I'm so proud of you" mom said and immediately stood up and walked up to me to give me a hug. She kissed me on the cheek and sat back down. "It's not really a big deal... I mean Bokuto is a friend of Kuroo. Akaashi and Bokuto really did helped me so I think I can at least talk with them right?" I said slightly embarrassed. "With what have they helped you?" She asked and I answered "uhh with nothing important hehe" 'mom does not really has to know about everything with Kageyama' I thought. "Ohh sunshine... how is Kageyama... I haven't heard from him in a long tim." "Uhh he is fine" I said looking at my food. "Actually they haven't talked really much you know mom" Koushi said. "What why is that? Did something happend?" 'Yes' "No no don't worry... he was just a bit stressed with practice and yeah thats why we haven't talked much". "But now is everything fine again" I added and she nodded. Koushi looked at me but continued to eat again before mom would notice something. The dinner went on with Koushi talking about the trip and mom and me listening.

After dinner we, me and Koushi, helped mom cleaning up. We all went straight to bed because it was really late. I made myself ready for bed and laid down. I went through my social media to look at some edits from my favourite animes. I was about to switch to my PSP as I saw that Kageyama texted me.

Tobio (/>-<)/: Hellu... still awake?

Y/n \(>-<\): Hewo... yesss still awake.
Everything okay?

Tobio (/>-<)/: Yess... don't worry.
I wanted to ask if you have time tomorrow?

Y/n \(>-<\): Yes I guess so. Why?

Tobio (/>-<)/: I thought to ask you if you want to go out and eat some ice cream?
You don't have to if you don't want to

Y/n \(>-<\): I would luvvv toooo.
Thank you for inviting me UwU

Tobio (/>-<)/: No probs... OwO
Do you want to do something special after that? Or do you want to go straight home?

Y/n \(>-<\): Noooooo.... eating ice cream is like doing something just for 10 minutes... if you take long.
Have some ideas what to do?

Tobio (/>-<)/: Uhh let me think...

Y/n \(>-<\): You okay??? \(O o O)/
Did you went missing???
Tobio... did you died from thinking to hard?
Wait noo
Don't be dead

Tobio (/>-<)/: Sorry I was to busy with thinking.
I have an idea.. but that's going to be an suprise!!
Ohh and still the same ice cream flavour?

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