- eight : outings

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[ third person ]


"THIS IS NAKAMURA?!" Everyone shouted one unison, shocked by the appearance of the Tatsuya kid Makoto had mentioned this morning.

"Aww, you talked about me? I also told all my friends about you." Tatsuya chuckled, ruffling Makoto's hair gently. She swatted his hand, chuckling softly.

"Yeah, I told them you were dead on the side of the road after crashing into a wire fence." Makoto snickered slightly, meeting Tsukishima's eyes as she spoke. His lips curled upwards into a smirk, finding her words quite amusing.

"I thought you said he was a third year in junior high?!" Tanaka shouted, glancing at the male who was pushing six feet already. "He's almost as tall as Tsukishima!"

"What about me?" Asahi frowned, feeling left out. Nishinoya was quick to boost his confidence with a few words.

"You saying he's not adorable because he's six feet tall?" Makoto asked with a small giggle, finding Tanaka's reaction to Tatsuya's appearance quite funny. "I'm kidding. Anyway,"

She turned to Tatsuya, "What're you doing here?" Makoto asked with a raised eyebrow.

Tatsuya smiled charmingly. "I'm here to walk you home."

"Oh wow-" Hinata said as he hid behind Kageyama, feeling like he could fall for this male's charm anytime soon.

"Ah, we're going out to dinner tonight. Maybe next ti-"

"No, it's fine, Makoto." Daichi encouraged, giving her a supportive smile. "He's welcome to join us, if he wants."

Makoto glanced at Tatsuya to see what he thought, but nearly chuckled when she saw the look on his face. He clearly wanted to come along. "Okay, fine, but you gotta pitch in on the bill, alright?"

He pulled out a credit card, "Don't worry! I'll cover it all!" Tatsuya exclaimed, making some people cheer.

"No." Makoto argued, "I'm paying too."

"We'll see about that."

[ t i m e s k i p ]

"Who the fuck are you ordering for? A party of a hundred?" Makoto asked, peering at the table that was full of food.


"Sorry." Makoto mumbled to Suga, turning her attention back to Tatsuya who sat beside her. "Seriously, why'd you order so much?"

He shrugged, flashing her his card. "I'm tryna kill my dad." Tatsuya shot her a cheeky grin, earning small shake of the head from Makoto who stifled a laugh.

"Guess we gotta eat it all." Makoto said, earning a small scoff from Tsukishima.

"I don't think you need any more food." Tsukishima smirked, noticing how Makoto rose an eyebrow with amusement.

"Oh?" She glanced down at her body, "You calling me fat now?"

Tsukishima shrugged, "No, but yes."

Makoto grabbed Tsukishima's arm, wrapping her small hand around his wrist. "Look, you're so thin. I feel like you'd break your arm if you did a push-up."

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