- eleven : new

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[ third person ]


"Makoto, come here." Hinata said as he waved her down. The raven haired female put down her clipboard, heading over in his direction.

She stood beside Hinata and Kageyama, glancing at the two curiously. "What's up?"

"I heard," Hinata looked around suspiciously. "There's a new girl coming today."

"Oh, for real?" Makoto asked, not surprised that a new student was coming along. "Is she from here or the US?"

"I heard she's like from a foreign country, but can speak fluent japanese." Kageyama said with a small shrug, glancing at the door where Takeda entered.

"Well, I guess we'll see later." Makoto said as she began to clean up to wrap up morning practice.

"Hey, midget." Tsukishima called out, making Makoto go slightly stiff.

Ever since she had realized she felt something more than just platonic love towards this giant blond megane, she had no recollection of how she used to act around him. Looking him directly in the eye makes her flustered, but avoiding him entirely would be too suspicious.

She got a bit of counseling from Hinata and Kageyama who claimed they were experts in this area since they had crushes on each other. It didn't end too well since they ended up arguing about who liked the other more. Makoto ended up going home on her own because of it. ( she also still does not know whether kags and hina are dating or not )

Makoto awkwardly rose a stiff hand, "Y-Yo."

He shoot her a weird look before shrugging it off. "Yamaguchi needs your help."

Before he could even say anything else, Makoto had already sped off to help Yamaguchi. It was a good escape for the female who was unable to look him in the eye.

"I'm the worst."

[ t i m e s k i p ]

"Class, this is our new student. Introduce yourself, please."

The female stepped up, smiling brightly at the classroom. She was taller than most girls here, being two inches shorter than Makoto herself.

"Hi, my name is Muraoka Kameko! It's very nice to meet you all!" The way she smiled seemed overly forced, leaving an unsettled feeling within many girls in the classroom.

"You can take a seat in front of Tsukishima-san over there."

The female took her seat in front of Tsukishima, smiling at all her classmates that glanced her way. She was sure to shoot an extra big smile in Tsukishima's direction when she made eye contact with him.

"Hi, Tsukishima-san. I hope you and I can get along very well this year." She batted her eyelashes at Tsukishima who nodded curtly, turning his attention back to the teacher who spoke of their next assignment.

Makoto aimlessly doodled in her notebook as the teacher explained what assignment they'd be doing for the rest of class. Once everyone was set on what to do, he gave them time to work on it while he sat at his desk quietly.

"Uh, Tsukishima-san, sorry to bother you," Kameko said softly as she smiled sheepishly at Tsukishima. The blond simply nodded, meeting her eyes. "I don't really understand this part. Could you explain it to me?"

Makoto watched the two exchange, feeling somewhat disconcerted with the way this girl spoke. It didn't sit right with Makoto. And that says a lot.

"You're so sweet, Tsukishima-san. Your girlfriend is really lucky to have a guy like you." Kameko complimented, making Makoto slightly twitch at those words.

"Uh, I don't have a girlfriend." Tsukishima answered bluntly, bringing a smile to Kameko's face.

"I can't believe such an amazing guy like you doesn't have a girlfriend. These girls are dumb." Kameko giggled lightly, making almost half the girls in the room gag.

Turning his attention away from Kameko, he sharply glanced over at Makoto.

"Midget, paper." Tsukishima said as he held out a hand to Makoto. His eyes flickered from her face to her paper that had the small doodles on it. "Hurry up. My arm's getting tired."

Makoto tore the page out, folding it up and placing it in his hand. He accepted it, stuffing it into his pocket before returning to his assignment.

"Who's this?" Kameko asked with a smile as she turned to Makoto. Tsukishima looked up, meeting Kameko's eyes then turned to Makoto. "Is he your friend?"

"Uh," Tsukishima hesitated for a moment. What the hell even is she? "Yeah, she is?"

"You don't sound too confident about that answer." Makoto slightly snickered, making Tsukishima roll his eyes. "My name's Hinata Makoto. I'm a girl."

"Makoto?" The girl questioned, slightly wrinkling her nose at the name. Makoto rose an eyebrow at her, making Kameko laugh softly. "Sorry! Isn't that a boy's name though?"

A bit peeved, Makoto smiled thinly. "Ah, well, it's unisex, but whatever."

"Oh. It's just kind of weird to have a boy's name, don't you think?" The female giggled, giving off a vibe that Makoto did not like.

It felt like Kameko was trying to start something, but failed to do so since Makoto was probably the most level-headed person in the room.

"What do you think, Tsukishima-san?" Kameko turned to Tsukishima, looking for what he had to say on the matter.

He glanced up, knitting his brows together with annoyance. "It's fine? I don't really care if her name is weird or not."

"Makoto-san," Yamaguchi called out, waving the female down. "Come here for a sec."

Makoto excused herself, sauntering over to Yamaguchi who sat on the opposite side of the room. "Yo."

"All the girls hate Muraoka-san." Yamaguchi grimaced slightly, also agreeing with everyone else. "Is she nice? I feel bad for disliking her without knowing her."

Makoto shook her head, "Nah, it's okay if you dislike her. I can get along with all kinds of people, but she's not one of them." Especially since she's blatantly flirting with Kei.

"Well, I think you'll be okay. Tsukki would never fall for a girl like that." Yamaguchi smiled weakly, making Makoto narrow her eyes at him.

"What's with the lack of confidence?"

"W-What are you talking about?" Yamaguchi hesitated, spluttering awkwardly. Makoto simply chuckled, returning to her seat.

"What was that about?" Tsukishima asked, peering over at Makoto who avoided his eyes.

"School stuff." She lied, glancing away from him to look at her paper.

Tsukishima eyed her weirdly before shrugging it off and returning his attention to his work.

Makoto sighed softly, running a hand through her hair. I need to act normally.

[ a/n : hi hi!! if you're reading this and there are no chapters after it, it's because you're early! i'll be updating soon (i don't ever post books without finishing them completely, but i made an exception) I may start updating everyday or every other day () ]

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