Chapter 1

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Note from Future me- The first 12 chapters or so are short and CRINGEY.. I was a different person back then... I should really edit and change it all.
Please bear with any typos or mistakes, I plan on proof-reading and editing the whole story once I finish the story (which is soon)

(I have started randomly editing segments and I'm absolutely cringing, I don't blame you if you don't make it to the end; where the chapters I actually like are lmao)


I had been living in South Korea for almost a year now, as the English teacher for a Hagwan in Busan. My contract was coming near to an end and I did not want to leave this amazing place... Not just yet, I had so many things that I hadn't tried yet.

~One evening during June~

Marking 60 of my students' practice papers was not my ideal way to spend an evening but it had to be done.
4 done... Only A LOT to go.
I stuffed my face into a pillow and moaned "Hey, pumpkin face, do you want some ice-cream?" I instantly sat up and nod in reply to my roommate Sariah. As I awaited for my tub of glory to arrive, I worked out the results for the 4 papers I had marked so far and, to my surprise, 2 of them had obtained a perfect score while the other two scored 94% and 97%. "Not bad" I whispered to myself with a small smile.

"Here you go Sena, eat up" Sariah said with a big grin on her face, handing me the tub and a large spoon.

Now let me get this straight, we love food, a lot, and a lot of our friendship revolves around food. So us eating ice-cream and watching Korean TV provided one of the best feelings ever.

Sariah was flicking through the channels and for a split second I saw BTS, "Halt! go back, go back. Go baaaaaack" I demanded with excitement.

BTS is love, BTS is life, and I had to watch the news article that featured them. The article was based around something that V had said during an interview this week, "Our company thinks that we should all be fluent in English, so we can eliminate the language barrier between our international fans when we tour next year, the Sunbaenims at Big hit entertainment have decided to hire a personal English teacher."
Naturally, my initial thought was 'TAEHYUNGIE YOU LOOK SO
CUTE RIGHT NOW' then I thought 'That's actually pretty awesome, the group won't have to rely on Rap monster as much anymore when they are abroad'. Sariah turned to me, "So, Who do you think they'll hire?", I sighed "Probably a Korean ahjussi with an English teaching license". Sariah nodded in agreement.

After I finished marking all of my papers I worked out the average for both my classes, 98% and 94% which were, pretty amazing.
If my students kept this up, they might even place our school first in the rankings for English.

Tired, I walked towards the bathroom, past my door and past Sariah's door.
I did my business, I brushed my teeth and did my skin care routine as I listened to BTS and sang along. I went to sleep blissfully, I felt excited yet calm and I didn't know why.


I woke up to Sariah screaming to me at the top of her lungs "PICK UP THE PHONE I'M TRYING TO SLEEP".
Shocked and confused, I reached over for the phone and answered moaning "Hello?"
A deep voice replied "Hello, this is the assistant manager for Big hit entertainment, may I speak to Miss Sena?"


This is from present time me (coming back to this feels like time travel), anyway, I noticed how much the first 4 chapters drag on the storyline, I'll probably make adjustments and just bare through those chapters- they're really short anyway ^^
Thank you for checking out my story, dont forget to vote and comment, I hope you enjoy it!
Have a nice day sweetie ^^
-Sena 19/10/15

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