Torn Apart Prologue

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 All Rights Reserved! I created this story and please dont steal any ideas from it! Its my original story! Hope  you like!

Fanfic Prologue

Y/n's pov:

Waiting at the X Factor aditions can be very boring especially when your hearing your best friend complain and nervous. Let me start out by introducing myself. Hi my name is Y/N, I'm going to the X factor auditions but I'm not auditioning. You already know that since I just said it. Your probably wondering why I am going but not auditioning well, I'm going because I'm here to support my best friend today while she goes and meets the judges, she is becoming one of the judges this year. She is meeting the other judges today on the x factor so I'm going but I'm mostly going because my old best guy friend is going to be there and I haven't seen him in awhile since he became the world's biggest boy band. He is in a band named one direction, yeah that's right one direction. Have you heard of them before? I'm sure you have. My best guy friend is Niall Horan. We knew each other since we were in 5th grade. Their band is doing a special performance here in 2 weeks and I want to stop by and say hi and catch up on things. Anyways my best friend is nervous today because she is meeting the judges and is afraid they might hate her and replace her. "Calm down already will you? Your going to do fine! You my friend are amazing and funny! They are going to like you!" I told her. "Thank you y/n, and I'm sorry I'm just nervous meeting the other judges and I'm afraid the judges won't like me." "They will love you and your going to do great so don't worry!" I told her once again. Her meeting with the judges was called over the speaker to go by the stage and I figured while she is at her meeting, I'll go find my best guy friend. I was looking down the hallway and found one direction's dressing room for the performance they will be doing. When I approached the door I heard his irish accent speaking that made me fall in love with him again. "Harry stop hitting on the hair stylist would you?" Niall said through the door. I laughed quietly at Niall's words. I opened the door slowly. His figure turned around and he saw me. "Y/n?" he said confused. "Y/n!" he ran up to me and picked me up and spun me around like he used to. "Look at you y/n! It's been such a long time! have you grown since you were in 5th grade!?" I giggled and said,"I'm pretty sure I did. Are you still the Little leprechaun like in high school?" "Little leprechaun huh? Your still being called that Niall?" Louis said with a chuckle. "Great now I won't hear the end of it," Niall said while laughing, that I love the most about him. While my friend was at her meeting, me and Niall were getting caught up on what's been going on for the past couple of years. He told me about the world and the fans and one direction, It felt like we been talking for hours. I looked at the clock and I said," I better go find my friend and check if she is done yet." "Here I will come with you," Niall said giving me a warming smile that always made me have butterflies. When me and Niall got back to the stage I started to ask Niall something. "Hey Niall I was you know wondering if-" Then I was cut off with my 20 Year old best friend screaming like a 2 year old. "Y/N! I MADE IT AS THE OTHER JUDGE FOR THIS YEAR! THE OTHER JUDGES LOVE ME!!" "Yay that is really great! But I was just about-" I was cut off once again by Niall. "Hello love congratulation! I guess we will be seeing each other until the performance in 2 weeks." That one actions I saw him do that broke my heart, that one action he does when he sees a girl he is interested in. The Niall I have a crush on for years, just did the puppy eyed look and the biggest grin he ever made. I knew right then I had no chance with him and that he found his princess. "Thank you! And I'm glad we will be seeing each other,"my friend said while blushing. "Me to and I'm finally glad we got to meet. Here is my number maybe we can go out sometime." "Yes that will be great Niall!" "Well I got to get going see you around you guys?" " Yes we will!" I said to him before my friend said something. "Alright bye!" Niall said waving. Right there I was torn apart that the guy I fell in love with all over again, is now In love with my best friend Demi Lovato.

A/N: OK guys this is my first fanfic im writing so i really hope you enjoy(: I will try to update once or twice a day(:

Torn Apart (Y/n) | Niall Horan and Harry Styles **Not Well WrittenWhere stories live. Discover now