Cliché Scenes or Plots and Tips!

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Cliché Scenes or Plots and Tips!

— jsi, Kaciee Shamier Rivamonte


• To know and be aware on what are the common used cliché scenes or plots.

• To share tips on how to avoid it (though you can't easily avoid it) and how to get fresh new ideas away from common stories.

Note: This post is not intended to give you doubts about your story. Continue to write and if ever I mentioned some of your plots/scenes, don't be mad at me. Honestly, I have references so let's spread love and peace.

Every masterpiece has great creator behind it.

— First, what is cliché scene or plot?

A plot or action sequence in a film or novel can also be called a cliche, if it has become dull and predictable through overuse. (ctto)

— Let's get started!

Cliché Scenes & Plots In Teen Fiction

1. Alarm clock with ringing sound
2. Late (protagonist/s)
3. Conversation with author
4. Transferee/s
5. Campus Heart Throb/Sweetheart/Prince/King/Queen/Princess/Btch/Nerd/Bully and whatsoever related to that.
6. Bully (especially if the lead girl/boy bullied his/her target, which would be his/her future gf/bf)
7. Groups of teenager
8. Angry teachers
9. Love at First Sight and etc.
10. Bumping each other (protagonists)
11. They started being friends (prota.)
12. Teacher x Student
13. Girl is a damsel in distress
14. Strict mom or dad of your protagonist/s
15. Clash between students which involves your prota.
16. Boy is a jerk lazy ass who fell for a girl who is a nerd/nobody/stranger/nothing/introvert and etc.
17. Common courses in college
18. First date is in a restaurant
19. Girl and boy are enemies then later on, bulaga! Sila na.
20. Student loves a "dangerous" guy
21. Proms
22. Bad girl/boy
23. Screams of fangirls/fanboys
24. Illnesses
25. SSGs
26. Love triangle between the bbf, lead boy/girl and a special character to our protagonist.
27. Common sports
28. Casanova/playboy/womanizer and etc.
29. The power of "ex"

In Romance

1. Fiancé and Fiancée
2. Boss x secretary
3. Boss x employee
4. Accidentally pregnant
5. Too much bed scenes
6. Deals
7. Famous blank into unpopular blank
8. Fck buddy/mate/partner and etc.
9. Incest alert or Pedophilia alert
10. Arrange marriage
11. Abs
12. Revenge! Revenge!
13. Abusive husband and a martyr wife
14. Chasing someone she/he liked
15. Slavery
16. "Let's break up. I need to find myself first." Lol.
17. The "no strings attached" thing.

In Fantasy

1. Elemental power & other common power
2. Schools/Universities/Academies/High/Institution
3. Weakling kuno loves the strongest/powerful one
4. Less fight scenes
5. Senior x junior
6. The transferee again
7. Secrets behind the characters which can lead to protagonist to stay away
8. Ghosts/dwarves/fairies/goddesses/god and etc. fell for a human/mortal one
9. Setting is on the belly of forest
10. Lost princess/queen/king/heir/heiress and etc.
11. Lead fell for the lead from the book

In Action

1. Gangs, and etc.
2. Rebellion between the protagonist/s
3. Bad boy/girl
4. Secret agents fell for their target
5. Less action scenes
6. Trainer into student
7. Immortal protagonist/s
8. Cross-eye snipers/foes that can't even shoot the target
9. Less action description
10. Protagonists are fighters

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