Chapter 38

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Arriving at the airport, all Jaden could do was keep Jae calm. The cab driver was already glaring at him through the rear view, mocking him for being a bad parent probably.

Jaden quickly, un-strapped his upset baby, lifting him up into his arms. "Oh buddy, it's okay... I'm here, we're going to be okay". Jaden said more to himself than anyone else. He quickly unstrapped the bottle from the baby bag, and rubbed it against Jae's bottom lip, who immediately stopped crying, when he began to latch and suck on the teet. Jaden sighed, finally getting a little bit of peace. He looked at the driver starring at him. "Sorry". He mumbled, and looked away.

Before he knew it, he had to strap Jae in, and Jae didn't want to be closed up, because the minute he threw over the blanket, he started crying, so Jaden opted to do what... Luhan... did, and covered his lower body.

He got out with the car seat, as he waited for the cab driver to un-load the stroller and his suitcase with Jae's baby duffle bag. The driver placed it infront of him. "Thank you". Jaden said paying the guy the money before he strolled into the airport.

Ready to catch his flight.

Ready to go home.


The moment the plane landed, he immediately pulled out his phone. Switching off aeroplane mode.

His back was killing him. They were in first class, and Jae was out like a light for most of the flight. And when he was awake, it was diaper change, hungry, or wanting to be held. The airhostess took a liking to the baby immediately, and they kept him company when they came into this part of the plane.

Jaden dialled his mother's number, waiting for about three rings before she picked up.

"Hey mom, are you outside? We landed just now, I'm still in the plane, but if your are inside, can you stand in customs line please. I have to declare Jae's stroller and our luggage".

"Yeah I'm inside, okay, see you in a minute".


"Okay honey, just get your butt here. I wanna see my grand baby".

Jaden laughed, ending the call and took the car seat.


Jaden scanned the line and found his mother right in front of the line, he quickly excused himself and joined her, handling his business before completely turning to her.

"Well, look at you". His mother gushed. Immediately taking a hold of the car seat, making Jaden sigh at the weight relief on his arms. Jae was getting heavy. That's for sure.

"Sir, your items".

Jaden sighed and thanked the man. Going over to his mother who was soo occupied with the baby to even notice he's done. "So where's dad, I thought he'd be here with you?".

"Oh, he's at your place, cleaning out the dust nd baby proofing everything for you. He's surprisingly very handy with those things". She said lifting up the seat and clipped it to the stroller. "Man he's heavy, what are you feeding him?". She said chuckling.

"That's all from milk, mom, but I recently started getting him to eat soft foods, pureed. Where's your car?". He asked hoping she parked outside at the entrance.

"Infront, now let's hurry before they write me a ticket". She said realising she wasn't supposed to do that.

Jaden chuckled, and followed her carrying the luggage.


The car ride home was silent, it became so awkward, that Celia sighed loudly causing her son to look at her.

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