Chapter 2 - "95"

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"Yes my sons, A human has entered the world of ours." He turned to both of his sons with a forced smile. "That's why I need help. Specifically, The Thirteen of you. Who knows how it got here and its intention."

The two boys looked at each other frowning. Confusion is all they feel and a little fear.

"Thirteen?... Us? Including both of us father?" The youngest asks making the king nod his head.

"But why us included?" The eldest asks making the King chuckle a little.

"You both are gifted... Along with 11 others. Making both of you powerful than the other creatures in this kingdom."


A human-like furry figure is lurking around the wood to catch its dinner. It is now night time which means it's bloody night.

It sprinted through the thick magenta trees that seem to glow within the nighttime. It sniffs trying to find its victim to devour.

It was too focused on any movement that may be a small fairy or a wild deer to eat for his dinner.

He sniffed and turned around. It smells like trolls... He growls and slowly went in the direction of where the movement of the bushes were.

Suddenly, a bunch of royal guards jumped behind the bushes aiming some arrows at it making him startled. He holds out his big, sharp claws for defense. Royal guards? Why are they here?

"What do you guys want?" He growled with his fangs showing, ready to jump at them.

"The King has wished for your presence." The royal guard calmly says.

"Tsk," He dryly chuckles. "Me? Why me?" He sarcastically says.

"Coming with us or we'll shoot you with poisonous arrows." The royal guard says. His head bolted up to the guard with eyes widen.

"The king asks for your presence, Choi Seungcheol."

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