Suna Rintarou - Freaky (Animal!AU)

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No spoilers. This is the one I was refering to when I said these can get weird and quirky. XD

 Suna is also very OOC. I first inteded this to be one of the twins, but I decided against it at the last moment so he still may be a bit too talkative. Sorry XP 

My feet crushed the leaves scattered on the ground as I made my way deeper into the woods. The path that I was taking wasn't paved it, a new fresh layer of dried leaves was littered on the soft dirt below. Despite the lack of differentiation, I knew this path by heart. I knew where exactly to go. Making each step was a conscious and planned decision.

It took me some time to reach the clearing I was looking for, and a small smile appeared on my face when I did. The ground was dry and warm, just like every other summer day in Hyogo. The afternoon sun was barely slipping between the thick and lush tree crowns, but it managed to heat up the air just to the perfect amount nonetheless.

With a content sigh, I sat down by a tree, leaning my back against the trunk and opened the book I had in my hands. It's been who knows how long since I've been coming here. It was my favourite place of them all. The serenity that it brought to me was a perfect atmosphere for reading. As a literary critic, that's essential.

I was able to read a chapter or two before the rustling of the leaves and the familiar pattern of light steps caught my attention. My gaze lifted from the book on my lap, and a small smile graced my lips. "It's you," I whispered and watched the creature that approached me with wonder.

The animal had a fairly long body, fluffy grey fur with red streaks every here and there, and a pair of thin, narrowed eyes. Every time the wonderous animal looked at me, I felt like I'm being judged. Yet, after a few moment's pass, those eyes turn soft, and I'm being won over by its charm. "You're a bit later today," I said again and closed the book. The fox, majestic as it is, sat down, around ten metres away from me.

"I hope you didn't run into any trouble." I usually spoke to this animal. Every week, on Saturday at exactly 4:38 PM, I would meet this fox sitting here, and I would talk my heart out. "It would be ironic if you did since I went to the shrine today. I prayed for a good and productive month. I also prayed for you and your safety," I said and leaned my head back against the tree. The fox turned its head to the side again, confusion evident even in the thin scrutinizing eyes.

"I wish you were human. You would probably tell me something nice or motivating. Your eyes look really intelligent, so you would most likely just tell me something really logical that would snap me out of this self-deprecating whirlpool I found myself in," I sighed heavily. "I wish you were human, so I could hear your voice. Just once, so I could hear your complaints. I feel selfish constantly complaining to you without a means of you saying your troubles back to me."

The fox only continued staring at me. Sometimes, every once in awhile, I would get this weird sensation that the fox actually understood me. It felt as though its eyes were telling me it understood, it agreed, it supported me or something.

Remembering something, I pulled out a small box from the backpack that sat on the ground next to me. I opened it and pulled out a chunk of meat. It was a chicken breast I left from my lunch yesterday. "Here, I brought you some food. I had to research you a bit, you know," I mumbled and tossed the meat to the side, watching as the creature slowly and cautiously approached it. "Turns out you're a Tibetan Sand Fox. How did you end up here?" I questioned and watched as the fox sniffed the chicken breast before taking a bite rather hastily.

"Your species also turns out to be rather..." I paused for a moment as the animal looked up at me with curious eyes. "Rather family-oriented. You spend your life with only one partner. It's not even known if you find a new partner if the first one dies," I finished after clearing my throat. As I spoke the last bit, the fox's eyes narrowed just a bit and an unfamiliar glint appeared in them. It felt as though amusement flashed through the animal. Can they even be amused?

Haikyuu!! x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now