Chapter 19

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As the crowd moves to the ball room of the palace, Mandy pulls me to the side and looks around smiling at passerbys. "Just what the have we gotten involved with here Ant?" she asks in near panic as more Majah-tu walk past us and we both nod at them. "What the hell was this we just witnessed..."

"Calm down Major and remember your place here; we are the guests of HONOR!" She snaps me a look of disbelief. "Damn it Mandy!" I say roughly. "This is their world, we are the intruders that they graciously invited, so we could witness this event." She steps back form me, but I grab her arm to keep her close. "We will maintain our composure, and our military discipline and protocol to their customs no matter how much we may disagree with it; it is their WORLD!" I hiss at her.

She recoils from me and hold her near and she stares at me and then, she relents, regaining some of her military bearing. "You can let go Ant - I understand that this is their culture, and I need to be open, understanding." She glances around turning to see Jah-jahní heading in our direction she visibly straightens her shoulders to greet our hostess.

Jah-jahní gets to us and smiles inclining her head, which we both return. "please forgive us for I am certain that this must have been shocking to you both." she says. "It is our way of weeding out those who are not prepared for the harshness of life." I look at her and nod my head to seem like all is well when I know that Mandy is almost panicked out of her mind. "Please come and join the celebration." She gestures for us to come. I look at Mandy and some sympathy fills my heart, for her discomfort.

"jah-jahní," I start. "The major is feeling a bit indisposed; is there any place she may rest from all this excitement?" I ask trying my best not to offend her, not knowing what they see as offensive.

She looks at Mandy and then back at me. "of course there is. Come this way." Jah-jahní leads us to the grand staircase to the upper floors where the guest rooms are, and the luxury of the palace is evident, as well as the age. This is an ancient place, with a rich history as depicted in many of the murals and tapestries on the walls. "My sister is very sad and distraught, at the turn of events here today." I can hear a tone of sadness and remorse.

I'm not entirely sure, though it feels like something went wrong at the celebration. "Really?" I ask to see if she will share more with us.

"Yes, things did not go as was thought." She hesitates for a moment debating it seems wether she should say something or not. "Lahí, my sister had to fight a challenger to gain the title of Warrior, but the one she was supposed to fight pulled out upon a request." She stops talking and keeps to her own thoughts. I wonder why she is not telling us what just went down here, and what is so tragic here. "This is the place." Jah-jahní opens a door and it opens quietly and we step in; the room is spacious and beautifully decorated. "This is the room that has been set aside for you major; your things are already here." She says.

"Thank you very much for the hospitality, I think I will lay down to rest." Mandy Say unclasping her high collar to her dress grays. I find myself fighting the urge to do the same thing. Jah-jahní inclines her head.

     She turns to me. "Captain, I will now show you to your quarters then I will show your men to there's." She says. I look at nod accepting her help.

    "Will you be alright Mandy?" I ask since she seems somewhat pale since the Warriors trial, and honestly I'm concerned for her. I was hard on her earlier, but she needed that; Mandy has never been truly exposed to this kind of carnage before. She hasn't seen death up close. Destroying targets from ten thousand feet doesn't prepare you for the harsh reality on the ground.

    She lets go of short breath nodding her head, and she looks at me. I've never seen her frightened, as she is now; her lips pressed tightly, but it's the look in her eyes  that has me worried. "Jah-jahní would you permit me a moment with the Major please?" She nods and steps out of the room; I give the gunny signal to also step out. He looks at his two Marines and they all leave closing the door behind them.

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