Chapter 62

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I know that Jahní is at her due date, so when I hear her calling for me I know what's up. I get the staff moving so we can get her to the palace med center. We take the shuttle that is stationed there, for my use to get to and from the spaceport.

I look at Jahní taking her hand in mine smiling at her, for the miracle that's about to happen. "This is it my Jahní we're going to meet our boy."

She smiles through her discomfort touching my face. "I love you, and I can't wait to hold him in my arms."We kiss; soon we will have him in our arms.

Quickly we approach the palace. [One minute to touch down.] "Thank you." We turn slightly to the starboard and lose altitude fast as Jahní sucks in a sharp breath and squeezes my hand. "Jahní, you ok?"

She focuses on me nodding. "I'm fine... I'm fine."
I look as the pilot brings us to a gentle landing and the ramp opens, as we help Jahní on to her feet. The medical team is already waiting for us and they take Jahní. They help her into an anti gravity chair and push her into the palace fast. She reaches for me and I grab her hand catching up to her. In minutes we get to the medical wing, there the King is waiting for us.

He looks at Jahní and then at me. He puts a big hand on my shoulder squeezing to give me courage, as he has experience in these matters. Once we reach the doors to the birthing room the Doctor asks me to wait there. I stand there alone in my thoughts, as now it's all up to Jahní. This is where I can do very little, though I wish I could be there in the room with her.

I slowly turn around and see the King sitting there with his arms folded, patiently waiting for his grandson to be born. Then I see Hal and Lahí walk into the med wing, and believe me it is great to see them here. She's still wearing night clothes, as is Hal which makes me feel bad. "Hal, Lahí. I'm glad you're here." I look at the King.

He smiles. "I took the liberty to call them, so I hope you don't mind."

I smile in return. "Not at all your Majesty. Thank you." We all sit down and begin the waiting game keeping up with the conversation until it runs dry, and we just sit quietly; each of us with our own thoughts.

As the hours pass I begin to feel a bit antsy, as I start to tap my fingers since there's been no word. "What do think could be taking so long?"

The King smiles at me since he's been through this three times. "You must learn to breathe Captain, so that those around do not feel your nervous energy."

Yeah, I guess that is what I have to do. I close my eyes and breathe in and out slow and steady, while thinking of Jahní. My mind opens up and I'm floating among the stars, watching the galaxy move; each star and planet according to it celestial order. I see stars born and die both in there own brilliance in the magnificent pattern of heaven. It all seem so orchestrated in its perfection.

Far to my right a small light begins to shine and it gets brighter, as a new star is born in it wonderful glory. "Sir..." I here Hal's voice and I turn around. "Captain! Sir you're needed!"

I open my eyes and I see Hal's worried face. "What's going on?"

"Jahní needs you!" I get up and nearly run to the doors going through them where a nurse waves me on.

Once there I see Jahní and she spots me extending her hand to me. I go and take it. "I'm here my love."

She smiles. "I want you here to see the birth of your son my love!" She grips my hand tightly as she pushes. Birth here is as difficult as it is back home on Earth, or is it.

"Why is she in so much pain?"

The Doctor turns his attention to me for a second. "She has chosen to give birth the ancient way, as is her right to do."

She squeezes my hand again. "I... I want to... feel his coming!" She screams loudly!

"One more push and he will be out!"  Jahní bears down pushing.  "Good keep going!"  The Doctor keeps insisting and Jahní pushes and squeezing my hand until...

"That's it the head is out! Keep pushing a bit more your highness, just a bit more." He is helping the baby come out.

"I love you Jahní. You're doing such a good job and you're all most done." She holds tight and then she relaxes as the Doctor catches the baby, and immediately the baby cries loudly with the breath of life. My son is born. The Doctor hands him over to the nurse who starts to clean him. "He's beautiful Jahní, our son is a miracle."

The Doctor is now helping to get the after birth out of Jahní, so I let go of her hand and walk over to see my son. I look at him and I touch his hands counting his finger and toes... he's complete and beautiful. He has some hair, which is silver like his mothers. I walk back to Jahní letting the nurse do her job. "You did wonderfully Jahní; your mother would've been proud of you."

Jahní smiles touching my face, as the nurse brings our son laying him on Jahní's chest. Tears of joy run down Jahní's cheeks, and I have a smile from ear to ear. She holds him to her breast and he instinctively begins to suckle. That's it my son eat and grow strong and quickly, for you'll be needed one day to take your place.


I'm standing by the crib just looking at my son, as I hold Marleia in my arms. "Soon he'll be big enough for you to play with him, just like a good big sister does." She looks at him nodding. "The two of you have to take care of each other, from anyone who tries to hurt you or him."

Jahní walks in from behind putting her arm around me, and I put my arm around her.  "You did wonderful. I'm so proud of you."  She puts her head on my shoulder, but I can feel that she's not so happy.  "What's troubling you Jahní?"

She's gazing at Denzaha Valdez. I wanted him to have a Majah-tu name, and to be proud of both being human and Majah-tu. "Soon you will have to leave, and fight once more."

I look back at Denzaha feeling the pang of having to leave soon, since the Helios is almost back to operational status. "Yeah, it's true that I will soon leave and begin to cause them to come after us."

"Yes, I know." She seems really sad. "You must alter your strategy, for it will not work as well this time." She's right of course. Now the are aware of the Helios's capabilities, so there no surprises factor.
"I have an idea."

I turn to her and I can see the determination in her eyes. "What is your idea?"

"I think we need to set up a surprise for them this time, while they think they now have a 'handle on you,' now we add something to the equation." She still hasn't said what she wants to do.

I look at her carefully and then it hits me what she's looking to do. "You can't do that."

"Why not?" 

"You can't go out there if I'm out there. What of our son? If we're both killed..."

"He would learn to understand why we died."  I look at her in dismay, at the thought of leaving our boy!
"Ant. I need to be by your side fighting and you cannot stop me, for I am a Princess here."

Standing there I can't help but feel as if I've been slapped by her. Just the cold look in her eyes, as she said that. I take a step back putting Marleia down.  "Go play in the family room sweety."  I watch her leave.  "I am aware that you have great authority here since this is your world."  I'm not going to raise my voice to my wife, but I don't think she's correct.


I turn away from her, for the first time in our relationship we're at odds with each other.  "It's not my world I know; these are not my customs, and we are still outsiders. I just don't want my son to grow up without his parents."  I look into the crib and smile.

"Ant, please don't be like this." There is a certain tone in her voice that I've never heard before; she's pleading with me not to oppose her wish.  "I don't want to go against your wishes and be out there, with the enemy at our heels and we are not communicating as we should."

I turn back to her.  "If we both die then in who's hands would our son fall into?"  She averts her eyes from me.  "If you are to come then Denzaha will be with your grandfather on Green Seven; if it's not that way then I won't agree."

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