Chapter 30

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Well, as it turns out the King did give us some very difficult restrictions. Their can be no public display, which is not a problem. This includes at the Embassy of course; though the time one... was hard to swallow, but if we want any time together at all, we have to follow it.

    The other thing that is a situation is the nanny guard that is with Jahní. We get our moment alone, but she is here to make sure no one is around and nothing happens.

    I read the Helios readiness report and it seems that their is some slacking going on, which is normal when nothing is going on. Fifty percent of the crew is rotated every couple of days, so all get a chance to come planet side. Though I think I'm going to have a talk with Sam about this and see how to improve on it. The Embassy personnel is showing signs of weariness, from the constant combat footing we're on.

    We really can't relax here yet. Our enemies are quiet, but that is just a trick. They know that fatigue will soon numb the senses of the men, and when a mistake will be made, they will pounce on us. It's now a game of wills and stamina.

    Unfortunately, some chinks in our armor are starting to show up and I've got this gut feeling, that something is on the wind.

    Timing is what it's all about. I've got to get the timing close, or they will hurt us. The Majah-tu believe in strength especially in their allies, so an attack that could overrun the Embassy would show us as weak and useless.

    Even if we escape and recover the Embassy the damage would be done. There's a knock at the door. "Enter." The Gunny walks in and salutes. I return it and then I motion him to come in.

     "You wanted to see me Skipper?" He asks.

     "Yes, I want a no BS assessment on the Marines." He looks at me and frowns a bit. "Hal." Using his name is a sign of the friendship that has developed between us. "I have a feeling that the enemy is just waiting for an opening. Then he will strike and his goal will be to overrun us."

    "Well Skipper, if these men were anything other than Marines I'd be worried." He says. "We've started to rotate them out to let them decompress, but over all they are Marines and they know what they signed on to."

    Damn, I love Marines! "Alright, how about you?" He looks at me puzzled.

   "Well there's not much to tell Skipper, I'm doing fine is all." He doesn't know that I've watched his mannerisms Change every time Lahí come to see him.

    " You've got nothing you want to talk about?" He looks at me not sure what he should say. "It's alright, Hal. Don't worry about it."

    "Skipper," I look at him. "Actually I would like to talk to you about something personal, that I think you would understand." I motion for him to sit down and he grabs the chair. He sits there trying to put his emotions into words; I can see that it's not easy for him.


    "Skipper, I don't know if it's right or wrong. I think I have feelings - for - one of the local girls here and I'm not so sure that I should." He pauses for second. "I don't know if it's acceptable here, with my age and all." Wow, he really opened up to me. I guess this is a testament to the friendship we have developed.

"Well Hal, I don't think age would be a problem. You see the Majah-tu have a much longer life span than we do." He looks at me surprised.

"Is that so?" He rubs his forehead wondering the what ifs. "Well, this girl is young for me."

I sympathize with him. "Well, you know Jahní is one hundred eight years old." I tell him even though it's not polite to give a ladies age, but it's a good cause.

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