Daizy & Jc pt 2

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We all settled on the floor. JC opens his legs and pats looking at me. I smile and sit between his legs. Joe Felix sits between mines and I wrap mines around him. I lay a kiss on the top of his head and watch as Ava and Jaylyn pass out the gifts to everyone.

"Who wants to go first this year" JC asks

"Mom" Ava says

"Oh okay well" she mumbles

She opens the first box that was from the kids. It read no one really got what they wanted for Christmas so love this mother. She smiles and opens the box pulling out clothes, jewelry, and two pairs of shoes.

"Well thank you my little monkeys" she says

"Welcome" they say

She grabs the little box that was from me and opens it. Her eyes light up and a grin appears on her face. She lifts the bracelet out of the box and shows us all. It was one of those bracelets from Pandora where you add the charms.

"Thank you so much Daizy" she says

"I remember you telling me you wanted one"

She nods and places it back in the box

"Plus there is money so you can add at least four more charms to it." I say

"God thank you so much honey" she says

JC leans by my ear and sighs

"Thank you for getting her that" he whispers

I nod and go back watching her open jc's gift. Which was a gift card to her favorite store and a note saying love you mom. The rest of your gift will be here in a few days. She smiles and says thank you. Last she opens pops gift which was a new ring, a spa day. She leaned over and gave him a quick kiss and said thank you. Next was pops which he didn't say anything to any of us till he go to the end. The kids got him gift card that has money on it because they bought him a new stereo. Me and JC he bought him tickets to see his favorite team play. And mom got him a new computer because the last one was to slow and old. Joe Felix looks at me when no one opens anymore gifts

"What is it bud" I ask

"Go on open your gifts" he said.

He turns his body to me. I let my legs go of him and set my cup on the floor. He hands me a box and smiles wide.

"I got you my own gift with moms help to buy it"

I nod and open the semi perfectly wrapped gift. The top of the box read Zoey. I know what this gift is. I look up at him as I take the top off. The boots I've been wanting since I saw them in a store I finally got them. I set the box down next me and pull him into a hug.

"Thank you bub" I say

"Your welcome"

I let him go and kiss his cheek before opening the next gift from Ava and Jaylyn. It was simply one outfit. Black skinny jeans, black tank top, white button up, a fedora, and some black and white convers. I say thank you and move to the next one. It was from mom a recipe I wanted from her since I met her six and a half years ago. The next gift was from pops and he got me a gift card to Bath and body. The last gift was a long small box and a small box on top. JC wraps his arms around me as I open the long box. As I look I see a piece of paper that says. No this isn't a necklace. But this box leads you to something else. This box leads us to a next step so open the small box. I look back at JC with a confused face.

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