Kaylen & Cameron D.

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"Bloody Bath"

May be kinda long

I laid there on the bed lifeless. Not breathing or screaming. I was alive but Cameron didn't know. I wanted to run and cry in his arms. But I was in transformation. My body is in pain as the girls blood sinks into the walls in my body. I was screaming on the inside. Having flashes of what my life has been like. I just wanted to wake up and forget the pain. I couldn't handle Cameron, Nash, my family, and friends thinking I was dead. I wasn't suppose to meet that girl. Her blood was like fire to me. It was amazing and I didn't want to let go.

I felt my heart give me one last beat before my eyes shot open. I watch as the dust falls off the celling. How the sun was hitting me. That my hair was darker and my skin a little paler. The smell of vanilla and axe fills my nose. I slowly got off the bed and went in front of the mirror. I looked at myself and down at my hand. There laid diamond ring. I looked at my favorite black lace dress. I slowly pull the zipper down. I walk to my closet and pull out a baggy sweater and shorts. I walk down stairs and into the kitchen. I open the refrigerator searching it till I find the bag. I walk back to the room and sit on the bed. I rip open the blood bag and place the opening to my mouth and let the thick dark red liquid run down my throat. I squeeze the bag until its all gone. My ears pick up in the sound of a car and voices.

"I can feel her Nash"

"Your crazy"

"No I'm not"

"Cam Kaylen's deaf and you miss her even I miss her but she's done"

"She has that lady's blood and my blood in her Kaylen has been mines for three years she can't just die like that"

The car comes to a stop and the doors slam. I hear keys jiggle.

"What if this first time it didn't work"

"I can feel it Nash just let Mr check before we tell everyone"


It became quiet and I sit back. Cameron was nervous if blood was running through his veins it would be pumping fast. Their steps became closer. The door swung open. They stayed still for a moment just looking at me. Then in one woosh they both were hugging me and explaining what was going on. I explained why I'm just waking up. Nash phones rings

"Hello...No Cam and Kaylen didn't make there plane...Yeah I'll still come...Okay see you soon bye mom"

I look up at Nash.

"Sorry but I have to go"


I wave he nods and speeds out the house to his car. I move my head back into the crook of Cameron's neck. His brain is still going crazy. I wrap my legs around him and smile.

"Cam calm down"

"I am calm"

I look at his neck and see a vein popping out.

"Cam" I whisper

"Yes Kaylen"

"Can I"


I look at him and flick my eyes from his to his neck.

"Can I"

He nods wrapping his arms around my waist and I go back to hid neck. I kiss his neck then open my mouth letting my vangs push out. I push my teeth into his neck. Hr gasps as I roll my hips on his. I close my eyes and roll my hips faster

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