Story Idea

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I stood at his bedroom door socks balled up at the ankles as I tried to pull on my skirt and

shirt. My body hurt form what ever happened last night once I left the bar or

club with the guy on the bed. I turned my body to him once I got my shirt on.

His curly hair laid on the pillow one arm over his eyes and the other draped

over his stomach. His bare chest raised and fell slowly showing he was still

asleep. I reach into my shirt to pull my phone out but I notice I didn't have a

bra on. How in the world did I even end up with this guy? His foot poked out of

the bottom of the covers that covers his naked body. From what I assume I must

have slept with him. I can feel the sting between my legs and the banging of my

headache. I walk around a few seconds before finding my purse and bra. I pull

my socks up past my thighs and slip on my boots and then pull my bra on. As I

open my purse up a bright light flashes in my face making me cringe. How much

did I drink last night? I pull my phone out and see that I have lots of missed

calls and text messages even some video chats. As I start to walk down the

house I notice that there are a lot of windows and more clothes pulled on the

floor. Some clothes look like they can't fit the guy I woke up next to.

 As I reach the door I slowly turn it and open

it up to a bright ass day. You have to be fucking kidding me. I hiss and walk

out the door. Slowly I make my way home but this damn headache and the damn

sun. Plus the damn people keep looking at me. Well assholes I'm sorry that you

have to see me look like a damn bum on the street but I just woke up and I

can't seem to get home fast enough.  My

phone starts to vibrate in my purse but I don't grab it I'm too damn hung over

to get that. My house comes into view and I smile. I've never been so happy to

see this house in my life. Now all I can wish for is that my roommates are all

sleep. Living in a house with 5 girls that I've known since year 3 in Primary

is amazing but god damn do some of them wake up early. As I unlock the front

door I slowly make my way in. No voices no TV no music nothing the house

completely quiet saying that everyone is sleep or out. Yes I live with five

people five girls' yes this is a huge house paid by all of our parents. Now I'm

not a rich girl no I've been on the streets before. I've slept on park benches

and I've even slept in some boxes. It wasn't till my pops got his job back and

we could finally settle back down. Where do I live you may ask well honey I

live in the beautiful Sydney. Originally from Windsor but pops job is in Sydney

and all my friends wanted to move out here I still can go over there but that's

only to see my nana. I walk up the two flights of stairs passing some of the

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