X-Men Song!Fic (Cherik)

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Hiii everyone!!! This will be a Cherik song fic with the song Someone you Loved by Lewis Capaldi

Takes place during X-Men first class, and there are spoilers so if you haven't seen it, you've been warned!

I hope you enjoy!!!

I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to save me

This all or nothing really got a way of driving me crazy

"You can't. You'll drown. You have to let go. I know what this means to you, but you're going to die. Please, Erik, calm your mind." Charles held on to this stranger, this man he just met, with all his might.

He refused to let him die in pursuit of revenge.

"Get off me! Get off me!" Erik thrashed in Charles's arms.

"Calm down. Just breathe." Charles soothed. Erik glared at Charles, before relaxing enough that Charles could let go. Charles pressed a little earpiece. "We're here."

I need somebody to heal

"What do you know about me?" Erik demanded his hands in his pockets, faced away from Charles, away from this man he just met.

"Everything," Charles answered lightly.

"Then stay out of my head," Erik hisses, turning around to glare at Charles. When he gets no response, he turns back, intent on leaving.

"I'm sorry, Erik, but I've seen what Shaw did to you. I've felt your agony. I can help you." Charles presses, desperation in his voice.

Erik pauses. He reluctantly turns around to see Charles standing there, with his jumper and tears running down his face.

Something fluttered in his chest and Erik doesn't know what it is.

Somebody to know
Somebody to have
Somebody to hold

Charles snores in his sleep. Erik wouldn't tell anyone, for fear of what Charles could do, but after spending night after night with him finding mutants, it's getting on Erik's nerves.

Erik sat up in his bed and flicked the light on. He looked over at Charles, who's twisting and turning, with a painful expression on his face.

"Charles. Charles." Erik called.

"Huh, what I'm up?" Charles sat up and looked around nervously.

"It's just me liebling." Erik soothed. "You were having a nightmare."

"Oh, it's just... it's nothing." Charles lied.

"You might be the telepath, but even I can tell that you're lying. Do you want to talk?" Erik asked.

"This is... er... embarrassing. Could you maybe... no, it's depressing. Nevermind." Charles shook his head and a blush crept up his cheeks.

"What is it, liebling? What dark secret are you hiding?" Erik teased.

"Could you maybe hold me?" Charles mumbled. Erik stared straight ahead, before slowly getting out of his bed, and joining Charles in his bed.

"I'll tell you a secret." Erik whispered. "It's hard for me to sleep by myself too,"

It's easy to say
But it's never the same
I guess I kinda liked the way you numbed all the pain

"You know, Erik, it's been really nice. Finding the mutants. I really like, well, I really-" Erik placed a finger over Charles's mouth.

"For such a well-spoken man, liebling, you certainly are having trouble getting this thought out." Erik smiled. "I like you too."

Charles grinned and placed a quick kiss on Erik's lips.

Now the day bleeds
Into nightfall

"No! Please, Erik! No!" Charles cried, tears streaming down his face. He couldn't do this. He couldn't lose someone else he cared about.


"Erik please I need you!" Charles yelled his throat raw from screaming. "ERIK!"

Silence. Charles's shouts echoed through the beach, and Erik heard the semblance of Charles's grievances.

Erik took a deep breath and dropped the coin. "I'll let you stay alive, on one condition." Erik started. "You don't go near anyone. Ever again." Erik maneuvered the coin through Shaw's knees, maiming the man permanently. Erik pulled the helmet off his head and crushed it.

"I'm coming, Charles," Erik whispers.

And you're not here
To get me through it all

Erik walked out onto the beach to be met with a storm of limbs. Charles wrapped his boyfriend in a hug.

"You didn't do it. You didn't do it," Charles sobbed happily. Erik kissed his boyfriend with all the joy he could muster.

Which was a lot. They were both alive.

I let my guard down

It had been two months since the encounter on the beach.

Erik and Charles officially moved in together, which basically meant they shared the same room at Charles's school.

"Hey, Erik," Charles whispered to Erik one night as they were trying to fall asleep.

"Yes, liebling?"

"I love you,"

"I love you too,"

I fall into your arms
I'll be safe in your sound 'til I come back around

I hope you enjoyed this one!!!

please comment what ships you would like to see

Also vote and share!!!

XOXO Valkyrie

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