I Believe

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~After School~

Makoto: "Alright, we're all here"

Haru: "It's time...our final battle"

Morgana: "That's right. Maruki came by last night and we handed him the calling card"

Akechi: "The time of discussion with him has passed. I hope you're all ready for this"

You: "Ready as I can be"

You all huddled around the meeting table in your room, getting your pre-Palace checks out of the way for the last time. It was finally February third...the deadline Maruki had set for you all. You were determined to go back to your true reality, and Maruki was the only thing standing in your way. No matter what...you refused to lose today...

Akechi: "Good, I was skeptical all of you would show if I'm honest"

Ryuji: "Heh, ain't no way we're gonna run now. We're gonna confront doc in his Palace, show him what's up, and get back to our reality...right F/n?"

You: "Yeah..."

You tried to hide the thoughts running in the back of your mind as best you could, knowing you needed a clear and level head for all this. It seemed to work, none of your allies any the wiser as to what you were thinking about.

Yusuke: "It appears we're all ready"

Morgana: "It's time to take back what belongs to us...our own reality!"

Ann: "Right!"

Futaba: "We should get going. Would totally suck if rush hour was the reason we lost our reality"

With a jump up from her seat, Futaba was the first to lead the charge downstairs, your friends following after her. As Akechi passed, he gave you a knowing glance, clearly aware of what you failed to mention to your friends. Now alone in your room, you took one final look around the loft that had housed you for so long, dusty as always, but now filled with decorations, each the key to a memory with your friends. You took a deep breath, centering yourself as best you could.

You: "Gonna miss this place..."

With that, you joined up with the others, all of you heading out to the train station and departing towards Odaiba as fast as you could. Morgana had hopped in your bag with you, Sumire and Akechi with you as well as you rode the train. You stayed silent all the way, trying to keep your center for what lay ahead. You jumped in surprise a bit as you felt a hand on yours, turning to see Sumire with a look of concern on her face.

Sumire: "Are you nervous?"

You: "... something like that..."

Sumire: "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't too, but I know we can do this. I'm ready to show Maruki just how much I've grown, and for all of us to go back to our own reality"

Sumire gave you a determined grin, warming your heart ever so slightly, but also wavering your composure a bit. The train ride was over soon after that, all four of you exiting from the station and meeting up with the others as you began a walk to the stadium.


Ryuji: "Gah, I got butterflies in my stomach! They're making me hungry! Hey, think it's too late to stop for food or something?"

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