Capitulo 67: A solo un dia.

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Skyfall's P.O.V:

Suspire nerviosa al llegar a la escuela,todo estaba vacío ya que era domingo. La manada estaba ayudando en los últimos toques de las decoraciones de la graduación y el prom. Camine hasta el salón de canto y Ian no estaba,golpee la puerta asustando a los chicos de la banda.

-.Tranquila,dicen que esta enfermo.-dijo George agarrando mis manos mientras yo asentía respirando pausadamente.

-.Ese chico me fallara,lo se,ya no se que voy a hacer con él.-dije sentándome en el escenario improvisado mientras ellos se sentaban a mi lado.

-.Veremos que hace la maestra.-dijo JJ con un bajó en sus manos,me pare suspirando y mire que la puerta se volvía a abrir.

-.Hombre,ya era hora que fieras señales de vida.-dijo Jacob suspirando al ver entrar a Ian.

-.Perdonen,estuve enfermo pero ya estoy aquí.-dijo este quitándose la chaqueta mientras subía al escenario.

-.Gracias Dios mío.-dije mirando hacia el cielo mientras todos reían y George empezaba a tocar la dulce melodía de la canción.



I'd like to say we gave it a try
I'd like to blame it all on life
Maybe we just weren't right, but that's a lie, that's a lie

And we can deny it as much as we want
But in time our feelings will show

'Cause sooner or later
We'll wonder why we gave up
The truth is everyone knows

Almost, almost is never enough
So close to being in love
If I would have known that you wanted me
The way I wanted you
Then maybe we wouldn't be two worlds apart
But right here in each other's arms

And we almost, we almost knew what love was
But almost is never enough


If I could change the world overnight
There'd be no such thing as goodbye
You'd be standing right where you were
And we'd get the chance we deserve

Try to deny it as much as you want
But in time our feelings will show

'Cause sooner or later
We'll wonder why we gave up
The truth is everyone knows***


Almost, almost is never enough
We were so close to being in love
If I would have known that you wanted me, the way I wanted you
Then maybe we wouldn't be two worlds apart
But right here in each other's arms

And we almost, we almost knew what love was
But almost is never enough

Oh, oh baby, you know, you know, baby
Almost, baby, is never enough, baby
You know

And we can deny it as much as we want
But in time our feelings will show

'Cause sooner or later
We'll wonder why we gave up
The truth is everyone knows

Almost, almost is never enough (is never enough, babe)
We were so close to being in love (so close)
If I would have known that you wanted me the way I wanted you (babe)
Then maybe we wouldn't be two worlds apart
But right here in each other's arms

And we almost, we almost knew what love was (baby)
But almost is never enough

Oh, oh baby, you know, you know, baby
Almost is never enough baby
You know

Abrace emocionada a todos los chicos mientras ellos reían,estaba muy motivada así que los chicos tocaron la próxima canción.


If I don't say this now I will surely break
As I'm leaving the one I want to take
Forgive the urgency but hurry up and wait
My heart has started to separate

Oh, oh,
Be my baby
Oh, oh
Be my baby
I'll look after you

There now, steady love, so few come and don't go
Will you won't you, be the one I'll always know
When I'm losing my control, the city spins around
You're the only one who knows, you slow it down

Oh, oh
Be my baby
Oh, oh
Be my Baby
I'll look after you
And I'll look after you

If ever there was a doubt
My love she leans into me
This most assuredly counts
She says most assuredly

Oh, oh
Be my baby
I'll look after you
After You
Oh, oh
Be my baby

It's always have and never hold
You've begun to feel like home
What's mine is yours to leave or take
What's mine is yours to make your own

Oh, oh
Be my baby
Oh, oh
Be my baby
I'll look after you

You are so beautiful to me (repeat)

-.Hermoso.-dijo aplaudiendo la maestra mientras nosotros reíamos mirándola.

-.Estamos nerviosos.-dijo JJ poniendo su brazo sobre mis hombros. George hizo lo mismo con Jacob y Ian.

-.Espero que todo salga bien ese día.-dijo la maestra suspirando mientras yo suspiraba nerviosa.

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