Chapter 39

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Ethan's P.O.V:

I was beyond happy. I just wanted to skip and jump everywhere that's how happy I was. My mate had finally accepted me and my son called me daddy for the first time. I might as well be the luckiest man on the planet with how happy I was. I was just sitting on the floor watching with profoundness as my son hugged me and told me about his training today. I look up in panic when all the things in the room start flying everywhere and saw my beautiful mate standing there livid in anger and her hair flying around her and her beautiful purple eyes turning red right in front of me. She looked scary as hell but my main priority was why.

"Mel are you okay? What happened?"

I almost had to scream it out because the weather outside was progressively turning stormy and it was very loud. I looked down at Danny concerned that he was scared to only see him staring at a piece of paper lying on the ground. I put him aside even when he tried stopping me and picked up the piece of paper. I swear if I had freaky powers like Mel the storm would probably be worse. The note was addressed to Danny and as I read it my fury grew and I could feel my wolf taking over almost completely.

Hey loser face!

Everyone knows what a fake you are when you say that the queen is your mother. you are a lying piece of shit. Everyone knows that the queen would never have a piece of shit like you for a son. You are an abomination to all wolf kind. Oh I forgot you aren't a wolf which only proves you are not the queens son. You are a big fat liar and your mom and dad might as well be druggies getting high on drugs in their house or you don't even have parents and are just a poor orphan who begs for money to eat food and act like he is the queens son to get extra brownie points. I hope the queen catches your lie and then punishes you.

PS: I hope you enjoyed the worms in your sandwich. If you were really a prince you would have smelled or seen the worms before eating you little piece of shit. I hope you rot in hell for the lies you say you faggot!


I was almost going to stop Mel and ask her to speak softly to Daniel because I thought he was getting scared but no he ran to us and hugged Mel like his life depended on it.

"I'm so sorry mommy! He said if I told anyone he would get me thrown out of the castle and he would make all the kids at school hate me. Even the teachers don't believe me. They say I am a liar. I told them to call and ask you but they said they wouldn't want to bother you and they know that I am lying!"

He started uncontrollably sobbing and clutching onto Mel's body. Slowly the storm outside and inside the room started to slow down till it came to a complete stop. I knew Mel was still angry and had to control herself so I took Danny away from her gently and held him close to me.

"baby boy please tell us which one of the pups at school did it?"

"his name is Garrett and he is a big bully. He started hating me ever since I told him bullying people is not nice. He said it reminded him of an old lady that scolded him for nothing"

Mel bent down next to me and lifted Danny's chin up.

"baby boy. You are a prince, it doesn't matter what the others say or do. You will always be our little boy. I am only sorry I didn't find this out earlier, I know you didn't want me to visit your school and you want to be an independent boy but I will take care of this once and for all. No one bullies my son and Gets away with it."



Danny then broke out in a huge smile and squished us tightly close.

"I love you mommy and daddy!"

"we love you too!"

We both said at the same time and when I looked at her I found she was already looking in my eyes. We got so lost in each other's eyes that we didn't see Danny running out of the room and only realized that when he slammed the door close. I chuckled when my beautiful mates cheeks once again turned red. I was really enjoying my time with her until I realized that we were supposed to be on a date and we were late and most probably lost our reservation.

"oh shoot! I probably lost the reservation. I'm so sorry. I'll try finding another one."

"Ethan it's okay! Let's just stay in and we can probably get fat by sitting on the couch the whole day stuffing ourselves with junk food planning that little weasel who broke my sons hearts funeral. Is it bad I want to kill a kid? Probably not. Maybe. Let's just get some food and watch a movie."

I just laughed and followed her to her room as she dragged me there.

We both collapsed on the couch in her room and I picked the remote and started flipping through the channels but then went on Netflix and saw PS: I love you airing and was about to click on it when Mel stopped me.

"whoa! What do you think you are doing?"

"putting on a movie?"

"unless you don't want me to call you a little girl from now on you better go back and click on the horror movie next to it."

"but why? Don't girls like the romance thingy?"

"yeah I'm not one of them. so listen to me and go back."

"as you wish my lady!"

I did as she told and put on the horror movie. 

Felt motivated to upload again. Might ghost ya'll till later😁✌

Thoughts so far?

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