Chapter 36: His Origins

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I looked up at the sign on the storefront. It didn't look especially appealing and there weren't many customers inside. I checked the address again, I definitely had the right place.

"Uchiha Senbei" I read the name out loud.

The only relation I could come up with was the fact that Sasuke's last name was also in the store's name. It was only a little bakery on a relatively quiet street. All of these observations were enough to make me even more curious than I already was. I tentatively walked in, feeling peculiarly guilty, as if I had done something wrong by coming here. I looked around the room. It was medium-sized and three or four of the tables were occupied by the murmuring customers.

"Ah, hello, dear. Can I sit you down somewhere?" a gentle voice asked.

I turned my gaze to the owner of the voice. She was a middle-aged woman, probably in her late forties, maybe even stretching into her fifties.

"Oh, um... sure, I guess" I stammered, losing sight for a moment why I was here.

She beckoned to me once she had a menu in her hands, "Follow me, dear".

I obediently followed her to my seat. She put down the menu and smiled at me.

"Can I get you anything to start with, dear?" she asked, hands folded in front of her.

I scanned the pages quickly and decided to order their 'Original Secret Recipe Senbei', I wanted to know what made this place so special in all aspects.

"Just one, please" I replied with a small smile.

She nodded and gave me a closed-eye smile, "Sure thing, dear".

She left before I could pluck up the courage to ask her about her anything. I sighed and looked around, trying to find some sort of relevance to Sasuke in this store. Coming up unsuccessful, I decided to take things into my own hands. I took a deep breath and got up, heading towards the counter at the very back of the store. The woman came out only moments later.

"Oh" she smiled at me as if I were a pleasant surprise, "Can I get you anything else dear?" she asked kindly.

I smiled, "Um, sort of..."

I fidgeted for a moment as she waited for me to proceed.

"Um...well, you see...I just came, um...I, uh...wanted to ask..." I scratched my head in embarrassment.

It was hard to dip my head and admit that I was being nosy and unnecessary, but I wasn't about to stop now.

" you know Uchiha Sasuke by any chance?" I asked finally.

Her eyebrows slid up an inch and her mouth opened in a small 'o' of surprise, "Why...yes, I do. Is there something I can do for you concerning him?" she prodded further, probably suspicious.

I turned a bit red, "Ah, well...I guess...I guess I just wanted to see if I, understand him a little bit more if I came here" I said quietly, biting my lip.

She seemed to consider me for a moment and when I looked up at her, she was smiling.

"Of course, dear. Why don't you come sit closer to the back, we'll be able to talk more privately there" she said with a gentle tone.

I thanked her and followed her towards the booth closest to the back. She indicated for me to sit down and disappeared behind the counter. A few moments later, she returned with some tea. She poured two cups and sat down across from me, offering one of the cups of steaming hot water to me.

"So, what can I tell you about dear, little Sasuke, my dear?" she asked.

I fidgeted with my tea cup and looked at her shyly, " see, I heard that he used to come here as a child...and I...I guess I just wanted to know what he was like what did he used to do..." I blurted before I could stop and think about what I was saying.

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