Time With You - 12

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It is currently 8 in the morning. What the actual heck! He made me wake up so early and wear warm clothes and socks, but like duh. It is winter so. I was waiting in front of this store he said to meet at. It was small and it wasn't open because who the fuck actually wakes up this time during WINTER BREAK. He then finally came.

"You ready?" he asked with a smile.

"I hate you," I then said.

He then started walking towards this mall in town. I have never been to it before. As though it may seem like I go shopping and go out with the two dumbos, I really don't. The farthest we ever went was for a trip for family time in the countryside. Other than that, we are usually hanging at parks, the cafe, or the mall Sunghoon and I went earlier. As we got to the mall we went inside. We then went to the center. It was an ice skating rink. Holy shit if we are skating I will kill myself. I do not know how to skate. Then he goes to the guy in the front and rents out the skates. Are you kidding me? I rushed up to him

"I can't skate!" I whispered shouted to him.

"Good, then I can teach you," he said with a smirk.

We then enter and put on the skates. I was nervous because I knew I was gonna fall or twist and ankle. I would not be surprised. Anyways we headed on the ice and let me tell you I wanted to get off immediately.

"Nope I'm leaving," I said going back off.

He then grabbed my arm and said "No I just did not pay for you to get off. Now let me help you."

He does have a point. It is rude for me to do so, yet I am scared. Should I just try? Maybe I should. Okay well, then I am going to hold the wall first then.

"Okay fine," I said.

I grabbed onto the wall and was going and I almost slipped, but he caught me. I was shocked. His arm was around my waist. My heart was beating fast and I felt my face come flush red. I looked away.

"Thanks," I said.

"Cute," He then said. "Hold on to my hand," He said sticking it out.

"Fine," I responded back.

We went on like this for a couple of rounds around the ice. He was telling me what to do and like caught me most of the time. We both just laughed and talked when going around. Eventually, I didn't need the wall anymore, but I needed his hand. I was still holding on. He was watching me to make sure I don't fall. He was being cautious. He then, later on, took me to the middle of the rink. 

"See easy right?" he then said with a soft smile.

"No this is hard," I said.

"Don't worry you will get better," He said.

It then got silent. "I want to watch you skate," I then said nervously.

He looked shocked. His cheeks came a light pink. He looked happy as well because I asked.

"Okay," he then said.

He took me back to the sitting area and then went to do his thing. It really drew people's attention and people just started watching him. He was elegant and amazing. It really made him hot. It was natural and soothing. It was relaxing just watching him. I was happy I could see this. After that, he came back and asked how he did. I told him he was alright but really he was amazing. He then said that he knew I thought he did amazing, which he wasn't wrong. I then said whatever. We then went to go get lunch now in the mall. My phone went off, but I never bothered to answer it. We went to eat at some sushi place. He ended up paying for lunch. I felt bad because he ends up paying for everything. It really made me wonder if he is rich. 

We then headed to a park near the mall. As we were walking there, he was talking about his childhood. How he never liked girls, how his mom forced dates upon him, and how his friends would make fun of him for it. It was funny. We both laughed and talked more. We then ended up at the park. It was pretty. 

We walked around there for hours. We just talked and I really got to know him. He was sweet and kind. He loves dogs. He was literally everything. Doing this made me see him truly. He was everything a girl could want. The only bad part is that he gets full of himself sometimes, but I shut him down quickly. It then came to the end of the day and I had to leave to go to my part-time job. He couldn't come this time since he started to practice up again. As we were saying goodbye I gave him a hug. He was surprised, but he hugged back. I then caught the bus and headed towards my job.

I decided to look at the message I got. It was from that lowlife. I opened it to see what they said now.

ajj.klm: I saw you skating with him. Stay away from him! Now your punishment is going to come quicker. That was your choice bitch.

Ugh! This person is irritating. I then again left them on read. I then headed to my job and got started 

a/n: I wish I lived a life like this. She be living the dream we all want. AHAHHAAHH that y/n moment. I have a problem though. All boys at my school are not really nice or attractive or my standards are too high. Thanks for reading.

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