Chapter 8

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September 2, 1993

"Severus!" Hermione heard Remus shout through the closed unwarded door from where she sat in her husband's office chair. They'd had a feeling that this would happen when Albus had announced who would be joining the staff before the start of term.

Hermione watched the knob turn and waited.

"Severus," Remus burst in, not yet looking to the desk as he closed the door and set up silencing charms. "I need to ask you some questions I already know you're not going to like." Remus turned and froze.

"Hello, Remus," Hermione greeted him with a gentle smile.

He remained stunned, staring at her. "Hermione," he breathed as she got to her feet. She moved around the desk and he instantly wrapped his arms around her. She returned the embrace, though not as tightly or with as much feeling. She'd missed Remus, of course. His years after the Potters' death were a bit of a mystery since he barely kept in touch with anyone. But to Remus, this was more, and she was aware of it.

He eventually loosened his grip and pulled back, taking her in while holding on to her loosely. "The years have treated you well. Though I admit I ... I'm surprised to see you here."

"Because of—"


"You know I wouldn't have left because of that. I knew the truth, and even if he had stayed longer than a couple weeks, I would have waited," she said, stepping further away from Remus now that she knew what he hoped for.

"It would have been your right to leave him," he said, not unkindly. "Azkaban does things to a wizard, and you had a small child."

"Which, I'm guessing, is the reason you're in my husband's office," she replied, gently extricating herself from Remus' hold.

His eyes flashed hurt at the mention of what Severus still was to her, his empty arms hanging at his side a moment before he nodded. "I ... I didn't think you had two children."

"I do," Hermione said. "But Leo is only eight, he won't be a student for a few years yet."

Remus frowned; melancholy completely wiped away by his confusion.

"Leo," he repeated.


Remus' brow furrowed further. "Aurora Snape. She's—"

"My eldest."

"So, who is Hermione Granger then?"

Hermione took a deep breath, feeling out her body for the physical warnings as she thought of making the confession. There was nothing more than flutters, so she answered with a simple, "Me."

Remus laughed. "Yes, that was you. But who's this girl in my Defense class who has your name and looks so much like you?"

Her lips curled.

" Me ," she repeated with emphasis.

Remus opened his mouth and then stopped. He dragged a hand over his face, his eyes calculating.

The door opened and Severus walked in, followed by Leo. He took one look at the scene and then turned to his son. "To my rooms or Aunt Min's."

"Can I see Rory?" Leo asked hopefully.

"Only if she happens to be in the halls. We talked about this last year, you cannot go chasing after your sister while she's at school. Now, my rooms or Aunt Min's. And no, you cannot see Hagrid, there was an ... incident earlier, and he's a bit occupied at the moment."

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