Bonus - Bits After the War

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"White suits you," he said to Aurora as she straightened his bow tie.

"Thank you. You as well," she said, smoothing out his lapels. His robes were more ivory than white, but he let it slide. A compliment was a compliment, regardless of its accuracy. Rory took a step back, looking him over before turning and retrieving her bouquet. "Ready?" she asked, fussing with the short skirt of her dress.

"As ever," Draco said, offering her his arm before turning them toward the entrance to the Great Hall.

He and Rory walked down the aisle between the guests, many whom he didn't know and probably wouldn't remember after tonight. They kept a steady pace as they made their way to where the head table would normally be, where there was a groom nervously waiting for the important part of the ceremony to start.

Draco didn't need to look at his parents to know his father was trying very, very hard to suppress a sneer, and his mother was busily dotting her eyes, erasing the evidence of happy tears lest anyone believe she could feel that strongly.

They got to the front much more quickly than he expected, and they stopped to face the Ministry officiant as the music ended.

"Who gives away the hand of the bondee?" he asked with a wide grin.

"I do," Aurora said, placing Draco's hand in Harry's before kissing each of their cheeks, then took her place as best witch beside Draco. There was a chuckle from the crowd, and Draco felt a smug bit of satisfaction at getting one final dig at the ridiculous arranged marriage they were supposed to be in. He looked at his father then, who was grinning just the slightest bit, shaking his head, knowing full well what they'd done.

And for the first time in a long time, Draco felt a swell of pride at impressing his father, even if it was in a very unusual way.


He parked his motorcycle outside the Muggle diner just after sunrise. After Harry's wedding, he'd decided that it was time he saw other parts of the British Isles and made his way to Ireland. It was beautiful, and it helped take his mind off of things.

He missed Kingsley, but he still thought of Remus more often than not. Remus, who was his first proper crush, whom he had managed to kiss for the first time just after Hermione and Severus had confessed to marrying in private, before their public ceremony. Remus, whom he quickly fell into bed with, and whom he remained with until he went to Azkaban. Who was also the first person he was with when he was released.

Leaving him was hard, and the wound stung to this day, so he was nearly certain that Remus was the one. And that's what made his marriage to Dora after the war that much harder. Sirius supposed that there was a part of him, deep down, that had hoped that once little Teddy was born, Remus would realize what he'd done and come back. Well, he did, Sirius supposed. It was just with conditions, like how Remus had to be with Dora, too. That had been when Sirius walked away for good. They remained friends, but it was strained. Perhaps the time apart would help mend that bridge.

The waitress greeted him with a smile and directed him to a small booth. There wasn't really anyone else inside, and he had expected as much. There were only what appeared to be a father and daughter having an early breakfast. It was a really small town, probably more village; it was just a place to stop to get something to eat.

He picked up the Muggle newspaper and gave it a skim until he felt eyes on him. He looked up, seeing the little girl had turned around and leaned over her booth, smiling at him.

Sirius smiled back, making her giggle. He then pressed his fingers to his lips, making sure she understood to be quiet. When she nodded, he glanced around, seeing the waitress was in the kitchen, then waved his hand at the salt and pepper pots. The minimal contents in both began to swirl around in little tornadoes, and the little girl giggled. Sirius smiled, but it faltered when the little girl stuck her hand out.

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