Chapter 44

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June 1, 1996

Hermione had been pushing down a headache since arriving at the Ministry first thing that morning. Leo had been particularly frustrating the last few days, protesting that if the Weasley twins could decide to up and leave Hogwarts because they felt they didn't need it anymore, then why couldn't he do the same for Muggle school?

Once she finally got him to school, she Apparated back to the house and Flooed to the Ministry to deal with another child.

"Where is he hiding, Mistress Snape? We've given you all you need to know!" Minister Fudge whined.

"I can't express this enough to you, Minister. The calculations say that he is not hiding."

That had led to another hour of him begging her to recalculate the results with varying differences. By the end, he'd asked her to change so many things, she calculated that Albus turned himself into a goat and was being harbored in Hogsmeade by his brother. Aurors were dispatched. Percy Weasley called the Minister brilliant. Hermione wanted a drink.

Too bad it wasn't even noon.

"Mistress Snape!" someone called as she headed down the corridor toward the lobby. Since it wasn't Fudge, she stopped and turned to see a small blotchy wizard rushing toward her. "Mistress Snape, I have been trying to contact you, but no one seems to know how."

"How can I help you?"

He took a moment to catch his breath. "I'm from the Department of Education, N.E.W.T.s and O.W.L.s division."

Finally, something was going right.

"Did you receive my recommendations for modifying the quills?" she asked with a genuine smile, and the little man beamed back.

"Oh yes! It's been quite effective. But I do wonder, why were we not able to test it with the ink you wrote about? The one that changes color if a student manages to use a Cribbing Spell?"

"My husband has to brew it specially. I'm terribly sorry that he wasn't able to get it to you in time for testing, but he tells me that the new headmistress has him brewing so many other potions for her ... methods of discipline. But I assure you, he will have them all potted and ready for the exams."

"Most excellent!" the small man beamed. "But I do wonder, what made you think to have the word 'Dunderhead' appear in ink on the writer's forehead when they cheat?

Hermione grinned. "A favorite word of someone I care for. If you'll excuse me, sir, I would quite like to escape before our esteemed Minister discovers that the calculations he's had me run are preposterous."

He chuckled, thanked her again, and let her go on her way.

She was smiling to herself as she crossed the Atrium, deciding that she would pop into the Muggle world and treat herself to a proper fancy coffee to help reduce her headache. She deserved it.

She was crossing the street when she heard the sound of her rarely-used cell phone. Once she was safely on the other side, she flipped it open with one hand. "Hello?"

"Mrs. Snape? This is Headmaster Brooks from Little Whinging Secondary. It seems Leonidas didn't turn up at school today."

"Oh, bloody hell," she sighed heavily. "I dropped him off. How could he have suddenly not... never mind. Thank you for informing me, Headmaster Brooks. I know just where he is." She hung up, looked longingly at the coffee shop just three doors down and turned around, deciding it best to walk to Grimmauld Place, at least part way, to not to hex her son at first sight.

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