Chapter 50

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October 13, 1996

Under the pitch black of night, Severus walked out to the edge of the Black Lake and placed his wand tip on his Mark. He hissed, not particularly enjoying the burn the request caused, but knowing it was needed. With Miss Bell's transfer to St. Mungo's, it wouldn't be long before the story hits the papers, and Severus had every intention of reporting to his "Lord" before he demanded his presence.

He waited, looking out over the lake, hearing the squid skim the surface. He thought of his family in the castle, his children asleep in the dorms, his wife sitting with Min while pretending not to be nervous. They were safe, and he was bolstered by that knowledge. No matter what happened to him, his family was safe, and there were people who would care for them should the worst happen. Not that he expected it, but one could never be too sure with the way the Dark Lord was these days.

The burn of acceptance ripped through him, though now he was prepared and barely gave more than a grimace in response. He pulled up his hood, pressed his mask to his face, then placed the tip of his wand to his mark once more, Apparating to the Dark Lord.

When he landed, he immediately dropped to his knees.

"Risssse, Severussss," he said, and Severus did so, looking around the room and seeing a few other Death Eaters already there, unmasked. He took off his own, removing his hood. They were in the Malfoy ballroom, and it would seem this was the place the Dark Lord had settled on for his throne. The meeting seemed informal, a gathering of those who were supposed to be hiding from Aurors or those without family to return home to.

"My Lord," Severus bowed.

"You have assked to sssee me?" Voldemort said with intrigue, a slight tilt of his head, his posture relaxed in his grand chair. "I had not expected to hear from you so soon."

There was a quiet cackle off to the side, and Severus' eyes darted to a pleased-looking Bellatrix, who was barely keeping it together.

Severus frowned, then turned back to Voldemort.

"My Lord, there has been an incident at Hogwarts that I felt you would like to be made aware of."

"Go on," Voldemort said with a wave of his hand.

"Yesterday afternoon, a Hogwarts student came in contact with this," he said, removing the now-neutralized necklace from within his frock coat.

There was an interesting reaction among the audience: a few flinched away, a few drew closer, and Bellatrix giggle-cackled a little louder.

"Interesting," the Dark Lord said, leaning forward in his throne.

"Indeed," Severus said, rolling the opals in his fingers. "Aurors at Hogwarts sent for a Curse-Breaker, who neutralized the object."

Alastor had been called in, probably by Hermione or Minerva, and he'd asked William Weasley to leave Gringotts a moment to come and give them a hand. He had no idea if his grizzled former mentor was actually already in Hogsmeade or not, but he was grateful it was someone who didn't believe and follow Dumbledore's every whim.

"How was it that a student came in contact with such an item?" the Dark Lord asked, his red eyes piercing into Severus'.

He'd prepared for this. He wanted to keep Aurora, Potter, all of them, out of it.

So, he had gone and asked Miss McInnis.

"We went to the Three Broomsticks, and when I went to get us some drinks, Katie saw Fred Weasley. She went to say hi, chat with him for a bit. I got distracted, and she disappeared. Fred said she'd gone to the washroom, and she'd be back in a minute. Except, when she got back, she was eager to get back to the castle. I tried to convince her to stay, but she wouldn't listen. She wasn't acting like herself. So, I relented, I thought maybe she wasn't feeling good, but then she kept hold of this package. I thought she got it from Fred, but that didn't seem right. Then, when we were heading back to the castle, we were arguing and ..."

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