I'm Fine

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Sorry this took so long! I hope you enjoy 💜


****Y/N POV****

You take a seat with your plate full of breakfast goods. Not that you can eat much with the nerves rattling in your stomach. 

"I heard someone almost got caught today," Jimin giggles, taking a roll off of your plate as he appears from behind you. 

"Tae?" you guess, knowing they tell each other everything. 

"Yep, how are you feeling?" he asks, taking a seat across from you and buttering his stolen goods. 

"I'm okay, I was freaking out this morning but I think I'm safe now, I don't know how much longer I can keep this up, I'm always on edge," you mutter, looking around the dining hall, hoping no one is watching you too closely. 

"I know," he pouts, "but don't worry, I heard Hobi speaking to Namjoon, I think they are going to talk to PDnim about all this." 

"What? No, they can't, won't that make it worse?" you ask, sitting forward abruptly causing Jimin to jump. 

"I don't know but we can't just do nothing, this isn't fair, they can't control who we are close to," Jimin says with a determined frown. He looks adorable. 

"Y/N!! Are you okay?" Jungkook calls, rushing into the room. 

"I'm fine, don't worry!" you say, concerned at how worried he looks. 

When he gets to the table he grabs your face in his big hands and rubs your cheeks with his thumbs.

"I was so worried, I didn't want anything to happen to you, you must have been so scared," he says, staring deeply into your eyes. 

"Hey, be careful how you touch her in public," Jimin warns, grabbing Jungkooks wrist and pulling it from your face. 

"I can touch her how I want, I don't care," Jungkook states, bringing his hand back to your face. 

"No you can't, do you want her to get into trouble?" Jimin asks, his face clouding over with frustration. 

Jungkook lets out a frustrated groan, dropping his hands to his sides, "I'm sick of this!" he states. 

"We all are," Jimin agrees, "but the hyungs will sort it out, I know they will." 

"They better do it soon," Jungkook moans, taking a seat at the table. 

"Guys, I think you should go, we can be sitting here like this," you prompt once again, urging Jimin with your eyes. 

"Okay okay, we're going," Jimin sighs, standing and taking another roll from your plate with a wink. 

"We'll see you soon," Jungkook says begrudgingly, standing back up and squeezing your hand, "if anything happens to you, call me okay? I won't let anything happen to you." 

"Call me too!" Jimin pouts. 

He scans the room to make sure no one is looking and then pecks you on the cheek quickly, causing you to blush. Usually, they only do things like that to you when you're alone. 

Your eyes dart to Jungkook to see his reaction. He freezes for a moment before his mouth sets into a determined line and he raises your hand to his mouth to kiss it gently. 

"I'll see you soon," is all he says before he grabs Jimin by his arm and drags him out the door behind him. 

Please God let this day go smoothly. 

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