Chapter 5 Rossings

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"So dad if all of this is true why are you telling me now you waited eighteen years so why now said Fin Holding his head down confuse"

His father replies "Its simple, before we would be around to help you out of tough situation but your off to college soon and we won't be there.

you'll be on your own so its best we tell you now rather than you finding out on your own while strangling some kid."

"I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner son but we didn't know how to, you haven't acted up since then and we didn't want to scare you for nothing". Said Mrs. Balor.

They all talk and talk for about an hour until Fin decide he needs to be alone to think about all the stuff he had heard.

A week passes by and Fin was being his usual self hitting on girls and running from guys who wanted to kill him. by then he had digested what his parents had told him and he came to the conclusion that they were crazy.

After all the preparing or lack of preparing in his case it was finally Orientation day at Rossings University one of two Universities near lunar falls the other was Sunflower Academy their bitter rival.  Only a few blocks separates the two magnificent campuses and they were always at odds with each other.

Fin woke up as early as he could and goes to the bathroom to get ready, he spends half an hour showering while singing to songs by Juice world and linkon park and then he spens another half hour looking at him self in the mirror.

He is 5 ft11 has brown light skin with exquisite ash grey eyes to rival the beauty of the moon itself .  He had short dark curly hair that barely touched his eyebrows with a faded haircut. 

He has a slightly long nose and he had been teased about it all his life.  It was hardly noticable but it was the only thing that fought against his perfect diamond face and his masculine jawline.

He is tolerable muscular to spite not being able to go to the gym because the gym owner in town wanted to kill him for sleeping with his daughter. "Allegedly".

He wasn't as handsome as James but he was still a very attractive guy.

Over at Jame's house he too is getting ready though he takes way less time than his friend.  He just showers let's his blonde hair down that touch his shoulders and puts on his favorite white T shirt and a black tight pants.

James too spent some time looking In the mirror it was the first day after all. He was more less the same Hight as Fin had fair white skin and his face  smooth as a baby's backside his eyes as blue as the Caribbean sea. 

He was a little less muscular than his friend as he prioritize saving his energy.  His hair was his most lethal weapon.  It was blonde and lutious and every Strawn looks as if it was touched by Freya the goddess of beauty.

The two their parents had already carry their bags to the campus the previous day. Fin goes down stairs to see his parents waiting on him his mother look at him annoyed and his father looks like he was use to waiting in Fin.

"Sorry for making you wait so long" he said sheepishly laughing softly.

"Just get in the car" said Mrs. Balor turning away the vains bulging in her forehead. "You take way to long to get ready son. James is coming with us too his mom said she has a urgent call from work so she couldn't drive him." Mr. Balor added.
Fin gets in the car where James was already sitting and waiting.

"Hey bro you ready for the big day" Fin asked with a look of excitement.

James on the other hand seems quite indifferent and Softly replies "I guess so, but its just college, and mom said I cant carry Mr. perfect with me"

Fin who was excited couldn't stand James's indifferent attitude and the two argue the whole way until Mrs. Balor tells them to shut up or she'll throw them out the car.

After about an hour they Arrive at the one of two Colleges in Luner fall "Rossings".

Mr. Balor parks the car at the gate and let the boys out .

He goes on to say "Remember Fin be careful and we are only one phone call away" Almost in a singing tone which reminds The boys of the song by Charlie Puth

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He goes on to say "Remember Fin be careful and we are only one phone call away" Almost in a singing tone which reminds The boys of the song by Charlie Puth .

James cringes while Fin and his mom seem to be used to it.

"And try not get into any fights" Mrs. Balor added glaring holes into her son.

"But if you do make sure you win" Fin smiles at his Father as they drove of.

"Your parents are crazy"

"Let's see what this campus has to offer". Fin said with a glamorous sparkle in his eyes.


"Photo by @parkergibbons"

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