Chapter 13 clean goddess

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  As Cat holds her to lift her up Sky inhales deeply and her eyes fly open glowing blue for a split second the revert back to there sienna hazel color as she sat farword almost head butting Cat in the face.

"What happened" "Oh nothing" said Cat sheepishly. "Dammit" said Fin.

  After a rather strange day to say the least Fin left the girls room. By the time he left it was late and all the classes were over and most of the students were in they're dorms.

Fin had no clue what he would tell James as he had been missing for the entire day, He opened his door and hope that by some miracle He wouldn't be their so he could avoid unwanted questions but as he opened the door to his displeasure James was sitting on his bed reading a book.

"I though you were dead" Said he not paying much attention to his friend, "who misses the first day anyway your even dumber than I thought."

Fin frowns "Who you calling dumb you little shit, I had something important to do".

"Let me guess their was an old lady that needed your help" he said sarcastically.

"No I had to went home, you see I missed Mr. Perfect so much I had to go see him one more time."

"Dude my cat doesn't even like you" Fin tries to keep a straight face but failes and laughs. "You need a shower by the way you smell awful". "Aww your such a clean freak."

Later that night James's weak bladder attacked and forced him to leave the room and practically ran to the toilet. After he was done his worst fair came to pass.

"Dammit what kind of school is this!!, how can they not have any bloody soap in the bathroom."

He worries that leaving without washing his hand was suicide so he decides to look if there was any in the girls bathroom.

   Even though it was late at night as he was about to enter he ran in to a girl. She stops and look at him, "Ohh it's you, what was your name again?".

"That's a little insulting Sky, it's James" "Ohh yeah your that idiot's friend".

  "Well he can be an idiot sometimes" he said with a almost sorry smile.

"I like you already James. but why are you going into the girls bathroom what is the guys room to smelly".

"Well yes but the heartless people that owns this place forgot to put soup in there." she chuckled

  "That was unexpected, well your out of luck there isn't any in ours either, but here "

"What's that" he said looking at a small tube container she took out her pocket. "It's hand sanitizer" his face lit up instantly and he looks at her from head to toe as she gave him it.

"She's like a clean goddess". He said to him self.

  "thank you" he said smiling which he rarely do" "No prob and did you just check me out?" she said glaring.

  "Yes I did". "oh I see, your much more direct than your friend". she said with a faint smile while turning to walk away.

"Hey don't you want this back?" He said after almost finishing the whole thing. "Naa you can keep it."

  He watches her walk away with a mixture of gratitude and admiration. "She's so clean and how can someone smell so good after leaving the bathroom she's perfect."

Being a werewolf her senses were heightened so she felt his eyes on her the whole time.


"photo by  Kellepics "

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