Chapter 15 Crazy class

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Fin gets to his class late to spite him trying his best. when he arrives the class was almost full.

The classroom was big and could host at least ninety. The chairs were all brown with a white outline and we're made of leather. The classroom was advance and held a grand white board which the students could see from several yards away. The theme of the room was pancake white.

A tall young lady with short curly hair in a lab coat with some fiery red glasses that aided her two crystal brown eyes who look like she could be a model was standing in front of the class teaching.

"Young man why are you late!!"

"Aaaa sorry mam you see there was this old lady that needed my help" Before he could finish the teacher cut him off "there are no old ladies on campus nice try though" she said with her arms cross.

"I'm sorry mam I got lost" She shakes her head "so your Fin Balor I read your file and I'm not impress young man and my name is Ms. Miller not mam and I'll be your biology professor for this year so you better not fail my class" she said giving him a cold icy glare.

"I wont mam I mean Miss Miller I'll make you proud" he said giving a almost flirty smile. "Right, now to find a seat"

Fin looks around for a seat but instead sees a familiar face, it was Sky sitting in the front row. Unfortunately for him the only seats free were in the back. So he made his way up to the back and winks at Sky while passing though she ignored him.

Fin takes his seat at the back and Ms. Miller continues teaching about the human Anatomy.

"This class is so boring" Fin sat and play with his pen while listening to the professor occasionally. "I wish I could have sit beside Sky instead I'm all the way around here"

Fin's attention shifts from the lesson to Sky who he was occasionally observing. "Stop looking at me Fin" He instantly jumps out off his seat startled.

"Mr. Balor what happened did you sit on one of your nuts or something?"

"I'm sorry Miss Miller" He said siting down a little embarrassed. The other students who were looking turn back around.

"What was that" Fin said to him self putting his head on the desk. "That was me telling you to stop staring" "Wait that voice, Sky why are you in my head"

Fin lookes down at Sky who was whispering to her self soft enough that the person beside her couldn't hear. " I'm not in you head idiot I'm whispering"

"So how can I hear you your like way down there" That's one of the perks of being a wolf you can hear things far away once you focus hard on it, which mean you were focusing hard on me"

Fin blushes which made the person next to him look at him like he was tripping. He waits for the person to look away then whispers "No I wasn't and I'm no even a wolf yet".

"Mr. Balor!! shut up and pay attention!!" "I'm sorry love I'll pay attention" He said smiling.

"What did you just call me?" Ms. Miller said breaking her pencil and looking angry, then she sighes "Just pay attention".

"We'll talk soon" Said Sky whispering to Fin" "Okay love you" She discretely held up a middle finger that he saw and smiled.

The class was over and Ms. Miller allows the students to leave But not before calling Fin aside to talk.

"Mr. Balor I don't appreciate you not taking my class seriously first you missed the first class yesterday and now you come late today not to mention giving me shitty excuses".

"Are you sure a teacher should be swearing Miss Miller" said Fin Smiling.

"Oh I'm not worrying if you tell someone I'll kick your phat ass, look Mr. Balor I want you to take my class seriously cause if you failed I'll kick your ass"

"Don't worry Ms. Miller The great Fin Balor never fails" "Good now go"

"Dam Sky's already gone, I guess I'll see her later then now I have PE" Fin made his way to the changing room where he met up with James who also Had PE.

When he enters the changing room he sees James chatting with a buff dark skin guy with a buzz cut who was already changed in his gears. "Yo James"

"Ohh Fin I was actually waiting on you ,hurry and get change Before the teacher looses it" Fin changes and the three head out. "So who's this guy James?"

"Ohh yeah this is Thomas we just had history together he's the captain of the soccer team. "I love soccer" Fin replied,

"Say no more man once you love soccer were pals"said Thomas putting his hand on Fin shoulders.

All the students gather and Mr. Chan a short middle aged man in a track suit who was the teacher begins.

"Student's today we'll play a friendly game of soccer, all of you follow me to the soccer field and ill pick two teams. "Yes!!" Its my lucky day" said Thomas with a ear to ear smile , "This may actually be fun" "Said Fin.


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