Chapter 6 what are you

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   Fin and James walks into the campus that was full of students who all seem to be unique in some way whether their hair had some crazy execery or their clothes was fashionable, expensive or the classic I don't give a look. They all stood out in some way.

   After walking into the campus they look back out at the gate where there was a huge commotion.

   "What are all those people looking at" asked James as they went closer to see.

  At the gate two student came of a Lamborghini they were two twins Kyle who was a guy with short blond hair and blue eyes he was attractive though he was a bit skinny, he was dressed in full pink and his shoes looks custom made with a pink flamingo on the sides.

   The other was Kim his sister she too was blond although her hair was very tall she had it in two buns, her cloths were reveling and she had on a lot of makeup even though it was clear she didn't needed it.  Her clothes looks expensive and they are .

   She looks as if she come to take over the place. the two walk trough the crown of student who look at them with both admiration and envy and some who didn't care Like Fin and James who made joke of them

   "That girls shoes could buy my entire life" Fin stated with a chuckle.

   "Aren't you gonna go to the Auditorium the ceremony has already started" said a familiar voice from behind the two boys.

   James who was startled  asked "who are you" Fin's face Lit up like a bond fire.

   "Seems we meet again Sky you look even better than the last time I saw you" James lookes at Fin annoyed until Fin decides to let him know who she was.

   "James this Is the girl I told you about the other day".

"The one that asked you out?" James ask sheepishly, Fin turnes red and he struggles to find words.

   "I did what now!?" Sky asked looking pissed off , Fin puts his hand around James and shuffles his hair while laughing and saying " he's just joking Sky aren't you James".

   James frowns at the sudden attack.  Fin releases him seeing he was defeated so he changes the subject .

  "lets go to the auditorium guys don't want to be late."

   "Were already late and look what you did to my hair". said James as he uses his hand to smoothly throw his long sparkling hair back.

   Girls who were passing looka at him as if he was a model and even Sky lookes for a while before turning away.

    The three walk towards the Auditorium where the entrance ceremony was to take place. when they arrive many of the seats were already taken up as the ceremony had already started, the three made their way to the back where some seats were available.

  James sits and then Sky sits beside him filling up that row.

   Fin was noticeable disappointed and was force to sit in the row in front of them.

   The seat had a bag on it, "Hello is this seat taken" He asked to a shorty who had medium length curly hair with the lower half dyed in blonde.  She had a cool light complexion, her lips were plump and full and her eyes resemble the rarest green safire crystals.  She seems to not care about a thing being said during the presentation.

   She replied no and removes her bag and Fin sits. Her hand was on the chair handle and Fin trying to get comfortable places his hand on there too and his hand rubs against  hers.

   Fin felt a slight shock and the girl draws her hand away quickly and when Fin turnes to look at her face, she look terrified as if she was seeing a devil

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   Fin felt a slight shock and the girl draws her hand away quickly and when Fin turnes to look at her face, she look terrified as if she was seeing a devil .

  "What are you" she asked looking frighten, she got out of her seat and clumsily moved to a seat further to the back.

  "What was that" Fin asked himself looking confused. Sky look at Fin with curiosity almost intrigued.

  "I never thought I'd see the day a girl ran from the grate Fin Balor" said James laughing and taunting his Friend

"Photo by @parkergibbons "
And pretty sleepy1"

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