Chapter 27 Hunter's madness

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   "Look guys I don't know what you want but I'm sure you have the wrong guy" The two guys charge toward James who turns and ran but he was quickly caught by the two.

   "Good now knock him out" Timothy did as commanded and drove his fist into James's stomach knocking him out cold. The three carry his unconscious body to  what seemed to be they're hide out or more like party house.

   The house was rather large and had many rooms they throw James inside one of them and Hunter had Timothy watch over his unconscious body.

   "Hey Timothy bring him to me when he's awake and lets have some fun."

   "what are you going to do now boss?"
   "now I'm going to my wives so don't disturb me. and if you hear me screaming its nothing"

   Over at the dorms Ms. Parker Sky's sister came to their room to discuss news about Hunter.

  "So you finally found where the bastard is hiding" said Sky in a serious tone.

   "Yes he wasn't exactly hiding they party almost every night so it wasn't really hard to find. so what now? I know we found him but I still don't think you should go after him Sky".

   "What else can I do, if we just sit here waiting then hell come for us its better to strike now while we have the element of surprise".

   "I agree you know I always got your back so if your going there I'm in. said Cat shuffling her blonde hair.

   Ms. Parker sighed "I guess I can't talk you out of it ,well I'm coming too"

   "Don't be an idiot sis you know why you can't come, you know you can't afford to dye without completing your task."

   "Fine but don't do anything reckless many of his pack left when we did so its just him you should worry about and if you kill him its over.

"What about Fin shouldn't you try to get his help?"

   "Yeah Sky I'm sure he'd help if you ask him nicely he does have a thing for you" said Cat trying to lighting the mood.

   "He does not have a thing for me and I'm not asking that idiot fore help I'm strong enough and I have you so we should be okay."

   Over back at Hunter's house.

Boss he's awake said Timothy pushing in the door. "ohh I'm sorry boss I thought you were done" it's been like an hour.  Said he looking at hunter laying in the bed in a robe with three women beside him".

   "Your okay Timothy I'm in a good mood tonight bring him in. Timothy did as told and brought James inside.

   "What is wrong with you people, you guys are so lame what did I do to you. You keep talking about packs and wolves and a bunch of rubbish just let me go already.  You already ruined my hair what more do you want" he said almost hiding his fear.

   Hunter got off the bed and walked over to James who was placed on his knees be Timothy.

   Hunter held up his head "Wow your even prettier than my three wives" James remain silent. "Ignoring me again I see.

   Carla get over here!" as he said this one of the girl on the bed walks over she was a tall  and attractive Latino.  The same one who choped Sam's dick off.  Her lipstick was smugged all over, most of it was still visible on Hunters face his body and peeked out at the edge of his boxers.

She was only in her pink bra and panties.   She noticed Timothy staring and glares at him which made him blush and stop.

   "Yes my love"

   "I don't think this guy likes me can you hit him for me". "As the words escaped his mouth Carla Slapps James in the face.

   "Again" she did as told and Slapps him again. "again" she did as told "again again again again and again" James kneels there with his face bruise all over.

   "Hunter notice his wives seem to admire how James took being hit like a man and that made him furious.

   "Hey Carla let me give him one" Hunter went for a full power punch but at the last minute James slightly shift his head and the momentum that Hunter had made him fall over leaving his backside expose to Timothy who quickly looks away.

   "James spat out some blood on the floor and leans his head back "Sorry Hunter only the pretty lady gets to hit me" Hunter's wives on the bed giggle like children."

    "You little Peace of shit I should just kill you now" he said furious.

   "But I have something better girls you remember what we did to Sam should I do it to him".

  "No my love we did that already I don't want to see it again and beside he already has a boner so it would be no fun" she said smiling and looking down at James's pant that had a huge bulge.

   "I'm sorry lady but you are half naked and its kind of hard to not look at you." she tried to swallow a smile and turns away.
   "I have and idea ,hey Timothy go get that hair trimmer"

   "Wait what now!!" Said James loosing his mind.

   "its seems I found your weakness" said Hunter grinning.

"Don't worry at least I'm not killing you.   Yet"

   "Timothy took out a hair cutter from a closet and hands it to Hunter.

   "Look man you can beat me up or do whatever you did to that Sam guy put please leave my hair!!, please!!"

  He squirms and fights and even cry a little but it was unescapable Hunter shove the cutter into his head and took of every luteous Strawn of hair leaving it in an almost buzz cut.

   James looked like he was dead inside he didn't spoke he didn't move he just kneel there.

    "Guys I think I broke him, this I boring Timothy just throw him back into that room or kill him or even fuck him  I don't care."

Timothy smiled mischievously then leave drawing James who was sobbing  along the floor.


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