Chapter 21 The witch and the wolf

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  Later that day in the afternoon Fin has Chemistry class in the Science lab, The class haven't started yet so it was mostly empty so when Fin gets inside he could pick choose and refuse where to sit.

   He see's a empty seat beside a girl who is already in her lab coat.  She was short had tall blonde hair that was in a bun, her cheeks hosted freckles and her emerald eyes were engaged with a book.

   He thinking himself a ladies man ::He wasn't really:: Decides to try and flirt with her. rather than sit in the seat like a normal person he sits on the table and makes him self comfortable.

   "No need to read that book gorgeous I can teach you everything you need to know about chemistry" he said smiling doing his eyebrow dance this time more smoothly than ever.

"Are you even in this class?".

   "Yes I am and I got the highest score in chemistry last year at my old school "

  ::lies James actually got the highest score::

  "So maybe we could do like a study date or something after school".

   She only smiles "I don't think my boyfriend would like that", Fin smirks

"Don't worry love your boyfriend can come too".

   Her reaction was a mixture of laughter and surprise.

"There he is now why don't you ask him" said she gesturing to the tall dark muscular stud walking trough the door.  He looks like he was born live and will die in a gym.

   Fin looks shock but keeps his composure "Dam that guy is so buff he had to walk through the door sideways". He said to him self .

   The guy walks directly towards Fin who he see's on the table practically hovering above his girlfriend.

   "Alex is this guy bothering you?" "No babe but he said he wants to ask you something"

"Oh really , what is it chump?".

   Fin though intimidated stand his ground

"Well mate I was wondering if you and your girl Alex" he said winking at her "would want to go on a study date with me?".

   The guy though serious was a bit taken of guard and let out a laugh. "Why would I want to go on a date with you?".

  Fin shrugs his shoulders.

   "Well I asked Alex but she said she had a boyfriend so I decided why not invite you too but if you don't want to be a third wheel me and Alex can just go".

   The guy's face looses its humor and was all serious a vain bulging in his massive forehead.

"Why you little shit" He grabs Fin's shirt and pull him of the table "You think your funny don't you?". 

   It was like a mountain to a hill , Fin was muscular but only stood at 5'11 while the guy too was buff as if he could tilt a building  with his pinky and stood at 6'3.

   "Not really" Said Fin with complete composure, "Come on Josh he's just trying to be funny just leave him alone" said Alex realizing that all the other students in the class were watching.

   "Well let me see if he can still be fully after this" He said then throws a huge right hand at Fin who easily got free from his grip and ducks it.  Then punches Josh square in the stomach with all his strength which made him gasp then drop to a knee.

   "Wow did that skinny guy just took down Josh" Yeah he did". "he's not that skinny". "He so cool!" were some of the reactions of  the other students watching and they kept taking.

   "Wow this wolf power is no joke and I'm not even a full wolf yet. said Fin laughing to him self and turning around

  Alex looks shock "So Alex about that date".

   In an instant Josh got up and looks seemingly unaffected. Though the other students saw him get up and were talking about it Fin was too occupied. Josh stood right behind him towering over him and when Fin finally heard the other students warning him it was too late.

"Why you mother fucker,  did you really think you'd win that easy?"

Josh nocks him over the head with a big right hand.  He twirls  and spins like a ballerina and took one last look at Alex almost smiling  before falling face first into the ground  unconscious.

   The Professor gets in the class a little after that and sees the commotion. "The short grumpy looking gray haired man shouted. "What the hell are you kids doing!!!?".

   The students remain quiet and the professor sees Fin laying unconscious with his face in the ground  and his backside pionted up.

"And why is that idiot sleeping on the floor did he stay up all night simping or something?"

   "He just collapse out of no where Mr. Tekka" said "Alex giving baby eyes trying to keep Josh out of it.

   "Sure he did" said a random student giggling along with others. Mr. Tekka sighs

  "Right all of you take a seat class is about to start and non of you are leaving until the lesson is over got that" he said in a tone that send shivers down the students spine.

   "So what about him" said Josh gesturing to Fin on the floor.

   "Oh yeah" He looks out the door and saw a girl walking past the class.

"Girl!" The girl stop and walks to him it was non other than Clear who was walking to her next class.

"Yes professor."

   "I want you to take something to the nurses office for me"

  "I'm sorry professor but I have a class now and I'm really late" she said scratching her head to trying to avoid the work.

   "Look girl just tell your teacher that I sent you to do a task for me okay.  And I'm not asking".

  "Fine" she murmurs knowing she couldn't get out of it.

   "What am I carrying". Mr. Tekka points on two guys and told them to lift up Fin who's head was flop down and carries him over to Clear.

   "Wait I'm carrying a person, can't you just make those guys carry him?" she said looking baffled.

   "No I'm punishing them for Fighting in my lab their not leaving until I say so".

   The students had mix emotions some scratched their heads and laughed and some look pissed off.

  "Fine she said" "Wait a minute is that the guy?" she said as her emerald green eyes widens and her face getting pale after seeing that it was Fin.

   "Is there a problem!?" said Mr. Tekka glaring daggers into her.

"No sir no problem here"

   "Good" the boys put Fins arms over Clear's shoulders and she starts walking.

  "Wow she's strong" noted one of the boys.


"Photo by tomtomalone "

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