Chapter 29 Unlikely duo

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Over at the dorm about two hours earlier.

   "Fin! " called a almost desperate voice from behind him which stops him in his tracks.

"Oh hello beautiful"

"Look I don't have time for your antics I need your help. It's Sky she and Cat they went after Hunter and I just have a bad feeling about it."

   "Oh, I see. who's Hunter again" "Dammit Fin I'm serious".

   "Calm down Ms. Parker I'm sure she's Fine she's a badass and my alpha not to mention she didn't ask for my help so she must have it under control. What do you even mean by you have a bad feeling?"

   "Fin she didn't ask for your help because of her pride, but I think she might be in danger.  And about the bad feeling lets just say it was something I was born with."

   "So your saying if I go I might be in danger" he said smirking with an eyebrow raised. "It seems you don't care about my safety at all Ms. Parker."

    "Don't worry Fin if it means saving my sister I'll gladly sacrifice your life". He only laughs.

   "Fine I'll go but just to see the look on her face when I save her" she smiles.

   "Whats with that look it's almost as if you knew that I would say yes"

   "Because I know you like my sister and would do anything to protect her."

He chuckles "Yeah but she doesn't like me".

   "I'm not so sure about that and Maybe helping her will make her see how great you are and who know she might even fall for you"

   His face sparkle at the possibility and without  another word he ran off

"That's the wrong way!! " "I'm going to get some help first!".

   Fin runs to the girls side of the dormitory and out of breath he knocks on a room door.  There was no answer so he had to knock again, getting annoyed at no response he starts knocking louder and more obnoxious.

   The door finally swung open. "What do you want!! " said a voice sounding pissed of.

"Oh its you" "Hey Clear" he said recovering little stamina.

   "Why are you so out of breath and how did you even know where my room is" she asked with her arms fold"

   "Sounds like I interrupted something important" he pauses for a bit and smirks. "Were you masturbating" her face turns pink and she grabs him by the collar.

"Dam you bastard I was practicing my magic and you interrupted me.  So just go away."

   "Look Clear I need your help"

"Last I check we are not friends so why would I help you". he stops to think for a second.

  "What if I tell you that by helping me you'll get a good chance to practice your magic in a real life situation."

   Her face lights up a little and she releases him. "What do you need?" she said her frown magically turning  into a smiling.

   "Just come with me " he grabs her arm and pretty much drags her through the hall way.

"Hey let go of me I can run on my own" she looks down at his hand holding hers and almost smiled. "Jerk"

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