Chapter 36 Drive back

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"Hey did you see that?" asked Clear looking in the rear view mirror" .

   "Yeah that was the direction of the house we just left" "What do you think happened?"

"I don't know but I hope they were cooking or something and the house blew up with them, that would make things a lot easier."

  "That Hunter guy was both weird and scary at the same time. I hope I never see him again" said Clear shivering"

  "Hey Clear can we take a detur before we head back?"

   Sky and Cat were driving back to campus with James in the back seat who filled them in on what happened to him and they told him every thing he needed to know about werewolves.

"So your saying I was captured just because that weirdo saw me with you guys that one time"

"Yup" said Cat bluntly. "We're sorry that happened ,if we knew this would happen to you we would have stayed far away form you."

"Yeah its probably best you stay away from us from now on" added Sky. With a considerate smile.

"Actually that won't be necessary I won't let those guys stop me from doing what I want"

"So your not scared" asked Cat. Not even after what they did to your hair".

"God please don't remind me." He said with a sad face looking at his faint reflection in the car glass"

"Don't worry you actually look more handsome that way you just need to fix it up a little" said Sky which shocked Cat

"Wow did you just compliment someone Sky" " yeah So what?"

"There's something I need to know, does Fin know about you guys?" The two girls look at each other.

"I think it's better you asked him that"

"So that's a yes no wonder he's been acting so strange lately, you guys can tell me he's my best friend after all and he can't keep his mouth shut so he'll tell me eventually."

"Even so its better you talk to him about it" said Sky.

"Your taking this whole thing kind of lightly don't you think, I though you'd be scared or at the very least crap your pants".

"It's not that I'm not scared but I know your not the bad guys." "Your right" added Cat those guys back there were especially that Hunter he was planning on killing you"

James's face got pale. "You don't say. If you don't mind me asking why does he want you guys?"

"Well about that" Cat explain that Hunter wants Sky to get his hand on the power of the Original Pure Wolf that would make him able to transform into a werewolf at will and without the bone shattering pain.  He could also use the conquer howl  Ability  to subjugate other wolves and even Humans.  All he would have to do is look at them and they will be frozen in fear.

He found out from a witch that he can only get the power before she becomes a woman after that the she would awaken and the power will be fully hers.

"Ohh I see so all you have to do to prevent that is get laid?"

Sky swerves the car almost hitting down a random guy who screamed "Watch where your f..cking going"

Cat laughs hard "Here I thought he was a gentleman". "I'm sorry if I offended you Sky I meant nothing by it" .  He said almost too sincerely.

   "Aaa it's okay. But your right that would indeed prevent him from getting his way."

   The whole drive back she thought about that topic she felt she had to make a decision but didn't know how.

Photo by slightly_different

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